As promised, albeit after several false starts, multiple personnel substitutions, a couple of coaching changes, and delay of game penalties, we’ve finally kicked off. Our new webmaster has succeeded where others failed in getting the online store open and working at last. When you’ve got a moment, click onto the ‘Products’ tab on the homepage and it will whisk you like magic to the online store, where you can browse around and get a look at what’s there so far.
The shelves aren’t fully stocked yet even with what we already have in inventory, but we’re working our way through that process and making good headway. Plus, we’re planning to add new products as we find ones we feel strongly about, so keep checking in.
Those of you–and you are many–who have written about our old (very tasty) protein powder, we’re looking into reformulating it and hope to offer it again before too long. We’ll keep you apprised of our progress on that front. If you have suggestions for interesting products you’d like to see offered, drop us a line and we’ll put them on our list for consideration.
Thanks for being patient with us during this process of reconstruction and renovation; we hope you continue to enjoy and profit from the site.
It would be nice if the product descriptions were more specific on how many capsules, how many milligramss in each capsule, and nutritional information.
COMMENT from MD EADES: We’re working on that.
Please include a list of exacty what’s in your multivitamin and co-Q10 products. Some of us have thyroid conditions and/or diabetes etc and require preformed vitamin A, not just carotene. We also need to know how much iodine or calcium is in the product and what form. Ditto for the co-q10 products — how many carbs in the sugar-free, what filler etc. Knowing exactly what’s in your products will help consumers decide if they should buy them or not.
COMMENT from MD EADES: We’re working on incorporating a pdf image of the nutritional facts boxes for the products, but don’t have the images yet. Bear with us.
I know my hubby would like butterscotch pudding, already in containers, or I’d like a recipe that I could make for him, but I can’t think of anything else at the moment that I’d like.
COMMENT from MD EADES: I’ll see what I can find /figure out in terms of a recipe. If I succeed, I’ll post it on the site. Mike’s a big fan of butterscotch, too, so he’d love that. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t hold my breath that you’d see this particular item on the site anytime soon. The up front cost of developing a new product–nay, the up front cost for each and every flavor of a new product–is prohibitive. If we were to offer a pre-made pudding line, sadly for your husband and mine, butterscotch would be probably not be among the first flavor choices.