I would like to wish each of you a happy, prosperous, and healthy new year.
I’ve read (probably from some pop psychology source) that one is more likely to keep one’s resolutions if said resolutions are declared publicly. Valid or not, I’m going to give it a try to see if it works better than my usual method, which is to think about the changes I would like to make and the various things I would like to accomplish, write them down on Jan. 1, then immediately forget about them. What’s worse, despite writing them down, I can never seem to find them at year’s end to see how well I did.
With the above in mind, I’m going to list my 2006 resolutions on this post so that maybe I’ll be inspired to do a little better since you all will be watching. I’ll do a revisit at the end of the year to see how well I did.
Here goes.
In 2006 I hereby resolve to:
1. Be more organized.
This is a perennial favorite of mine, which, sadly, always goes unfollowed. My wife is a neat freak; I’m a slob. We have adjacent work areas, and hers is neat as a pin. Mine is a disaster. She calls my method of organizing my stacks of scientific papers, books, and journals the GAP method (GAP stands for great amorphous pile; she calls my briefcase the GAP with handles) We’re like the odd couple, except, unlike Oscar, I hate living in a disorganized mess. Maybe this is the year I’ll do something about it.
2.Follow my own diet more closely.
This one is also a perennial favorite, but one that is pursued much more closely than the previous one. I pretty much stick to the program most of the time, but it seems as if I always give in to all the Christmas junk in between Christmas and Jan. 1, which is probably why it’s always a resolution.
3.Become more digitally adept.
You will be able to see if I follow through on this one by how quickly (and if) I get this blog looking like a blog. I need to link to other blogs, put some color in to make it look more snappy, figure out how to add pictures, charts, photos, etc. I want to do all this, but I hate working my way up the learning curve to figure out how to do it.
4.Spend more time in my own kitchen.
If you’ve ever seen our TV it’s pretty apparent that MD is the cook and I’m the color commentator. Over the past couple of months I’ve gotten a little more into the cooking end of things, but I need to make an effort to spend even more time.
5.Learn about a culture I know nothing about.
I’m going to make a study of the Etruscans. I love Etruscan art, but I know absolutely nothing about the Etruscans, so this year all that will change.
6.Work on my French and Spanish.
I can speak both (French better than Spanish) well enough to get by, but I’m far from fluent in either. Before I shuffle off to my reward I would love to become fluent in another language, and the best opportunity I have is with one of these two.
7.Read more.
Anyone who knows me will think this a bizarre resolution for me because I read voraciously. But for some reason my reading volume has fallen off the past couple of years, and I need to get it back up to snuff.
8.I want to try my hand at fiction this year. After authoring or co-authoring a dozen or so non-fiction books, I’m ready to try something a little different. Pray for me.
9.Get our website up and functional.
It’s close. I hope to have it going within the next couple of weeks. I’ll keep you posted.
I guess that’s enough to keep me busy for the next year. Now that I’ve made these public maybe the idea that others are watching will keep my feet to the fire. I hope so.
Once again. Happy New Year to all!
Hi! I just discovered your blog and your wife’s blog through the PP BBS group currently on Yahoo. I have to say, I discovered your show on PBS and have been so excited since. I love your recipies, your show, and am currently reading PP Lifeplan. I love that you explain WHY low-carb is important, but that you also explain all kinds of other things like omega fatty acids, vitamins, insulin resistance, etc. I’m still in the process of reading it and once I’m done and feel comfortable enough to be able to start the regimen, I’m definitely making it MY new year’s resolution. I was able to do so in 2004 with Atkins, but that got old and I got tired of defending Atkins to everyone else. Now, I can tell people the reason I’m doing what I’m doing because you’ve given the scientific data and reason to back it up. Thanks a lot and I’m hoping to read both your blogs as much as possible, really get myself into your plan, and I hope to see much, much more of your show (I’ve already purchased the cookbook on amazon and made the FIRST review of it…5 stars, of course)!
Thanks for the kind words, and many thanks for the plug on Amazon.
Dr. Eades,
First, thanks to you and your wife for the Protein Power books. I’m another of many success stories that owe much to your research and encouragement. During 2004, I dropped 75 pounds and saw a return to good health. I’ve mangaged to keep most of that off this past year, and am more determined than ever to maintain now that I’ve turned 40.
Second, I want to encourage you to get the website up and running as soon as possible. I can honestly say that the Protein Power website, particularly the discussion board, was what got me through the tough days. When it disappeared last year, it was as if part of my world had gone with it. Many of us have made lasting friendships, and the moderators there were such great sources of knowledge and encouragement.
I realize that you, like all of us, are very busy, and I don’t want to sound “needy,” but many of your devotees, including me, will be greatly relieved when the new website and message board are back on line.
Thanks again for all you have done for so many people.
Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad to have helped, but you did all the work.
I understand your frustration about the website and I apologize for it’s taking so long to get up and running. But take heart. The website – at least the bulletin board part of it – should be up and functioning in just a few days.