I have to confess. I lied to you. I said the next post would be part II of the Meat Eater or Vegetarian series and here I am sticking another one in in between. But I at least have a good reason for this interloper post: it is time sensitive.
Due to other commitments tomorrow and Monday (see below for the Monday commitment) I more than likely wont be able to get the promised post up before Tuesday. I was working away on it this afternoon (actually alternating between writing the post and dealing with comments) when my bride came in and whined for me to go to a movie I didnt really want to see. But, being the dutiful and obliging spouse that I am, I went. And I was glad I did.
MD just finished the book Julie & Julia and was hot to see the movie. I hadnt read the book, and dont plan on it, so I was lukewarm at best on the idea. But Im glad I relented because the movie is one of the best Ive seen in a long while. MD and I related to it on a number of levels. We written books and have been through all the publisher snafus that Julia experienced. We know what its like to have a cooking show. And weve been through the blogging experience. But, unlike the heroine of the blog and book, weve actually met Julia.
In the summer of 2000, a couple of friends of ours who own Al Forno, a famous restaurant in Providence, RI, arranged for MD and me to be a part of a huge fundraiser for the Providence Public Library. It got worked out in such a way that MD and I attended as – get this – celebrity chefs. Chefs? I still dont know how it happened because our cooking show hadnt even been conceived of at that time and we had just published The Protein Power LifePlan a few months earlier. But there we were as celebrity chefs with – get this, too – Emeril Lagasse, Jacques Pepin, and Julia Child. And, as they say, thats not all. We were there with Billy Joel as well. Yep, Billie, Emeril, Jacques, Julia, MD and me – the celebs brought out to raise money for the Providence Public Library. It was kind of surreal.
When I was introduced to Julia, I told her I was delighted to meet her and that my wife and I lived in her home town. I knew she lived in Santa Barbara, and MD and I had been living there for about a year at the time – if you could call it living there. We actually lived primarily in Incline Village, Nevada and Santa Fe, New Mexico, but we did spent a fair amount of time in Santa Barbara, where we lived aboard a sailboat in the marina when we were in town. So, I was more or less honest when I said we lived in Santa Barbara.
Julia Child was a big woman. And I dont mean fat, I mean big. Shes well over six feet tall and is imposing even stooped a bit as she was then at age almost 90. As we shook hands she replied to my remark about living in her home town in her wonderful, warble-y, quivery voice, Which home town? Santa Barbara or Cambridge, Massachusetts? And she moved when she spoke just as Meryl Streep portrays her in the movie.
Until that moment, I hadnt realize she lived anywhere but Santa Barbara, but it just so happened that MD and I had just purchased a condo in Cambridge a few months before. Our eldest son, wife and first grandchild were moving to the Boston area for a year while our son clerked with a federal judge. We bought the condo and they rented it from us. So, I answered her that we lived both places. Which, of course, was a stretch since we lived part time on a boat in one and owned a rental condo in the other, but, hey, I was among real celebrities so I had to act the part.
In the years between that first meeting and her death, we saw her a dozen or so times around Santa Barbara. She frequented a lot of the same restaurants we did and was a regular at the farmers market. But other than the time we chatted a bit at the Providence Library shindig, neither MD nor I ever spoke with her again. We would say hello if we passed one another, but thats it. Im sure she didnt have a clue we had met before. Having had the interaction with her that we did, made the movie a little more poignant for us. I now wish we had made the effort to get to know her while we had the chance.
Julia had to deal with her publisher and with promoting her various books. And we do too. One of the things authors agree to when they sign a publishing contract is to make themselves available for various publicity events. MD and I have done the book tour routine (which is miserable), appeared on countless TV shows and radio shows, and shown up for innumerable book signings. None of these PR events are particularly fun, but the most loathsome PR event of all takes place this coming Monday. It is the dreaded radio satellite tour.
There is a certain type of PR agent that books these kinds of things, which involve scheduling numerous radio shows one right after the other with military precision. The shows start on drive time radio on the East Coast and move west with the sun.
We will start at 6:50 AM Eastern, which is 3:50 AM our time, and be on the radio pretty much non-stop throughout the day. A number of you have asked in the comments if we are going to be appearing anywhere. Right now, this is all that is scheduled. Ive posted the schedule below so that if were on a station in your neck of the woods, youll be able to listen should you chose to.
It will be a grueling day for us, but somehow well manage to keep our good cheer through it all. A thousand cups of coffee will help. Hope you get to listen in to part of it.
Dr. Eades,
I’ve read your latest book and once again you explained the science very well and I learned a lot. Since IÂm already all meat, I wonÂt be using the program, but I still learned a lot. Thank you. Regarding dairy slowing down weight loss, IÂve seen statements that dairy causes a higher insulin response than its glycimic index would predict. I donÂt know if there is any validity to those statements, but if its true that would affect weight loss wouldnÂt it.
One of the posters on TimÂs site (Jim Swayze) asked a two part question about how your views differ from Loren CordainÂs and Roy RosedaleÂs. IÂm interested in the second part. IÂve read Roy RosedaleÂs book and he contends that your body gets better at making sugar from protein and therefore makes too much. Seems to me that since blood sugar is tightly regulated that even if your body got good at making it from protein it would not over produce it and then have to release insulin to remove it, but honestly I donÂt know. I thought about asking this question about 2 months ago when I reread RoyÂs book. Since you didnÂt answer the poster on TimÂs site, I thought IÂd ask.
Didn’t I answer this in a comment from the post before this one?
Dr. Eades,
I have not read the book or seen the movie yet, but I do know that I like one thing about the movie – it shows real food. An overweight co-worker was telling me about THE BUTTER, and how Julia seemed to eat in the same manner I do….and Julia lived to be 90+ years old. This seemed to reverberate much better with my middle-aged co-worker than my 20-something self saying “Eating this way WORKED for me.”
Going to stop by a bookstore today and pick up a copy of your new book…….going to highlight and tab for my parents before shipping it to them. I’m watching FatHead for the second time also, taking notes this time.
Happy Sunday!
Hope you enjoy the book. Thanks.
Ah, but how we APPRECIATE you dedicating your lives and vocal chords to saving us from the dreaded carbs! Your sacrifice of time and adrenal health {wink} will help hundreds, if not thousands, of people to recover from the modern-day illnesses! Thank you!
Sorry to be the picky proofreader but it’s Julia “Child” not “Childs”
Thanks. Fixed. Can’t believe I did that.
The thing that struck me about the movie Julie & Julie, is how low-carb the food seems to be. When I got home I found that we had the book referenced, “How to Master the Art of French Cooking”, and we made a couple of dishes from the book. Except for the bread, desserts, and potatoes, it’s very low carb — and Delicious!
Ahh, Mancow. One of my favorite outspoken Libertarians. He and Anthony Bourdain shared some great food for Bourdain’s show, No Reservations. I’ll make sure I listen tomorrow.
I hope it’s not too miserable for you both, that really is a grueling schedule! But I hope it gets you a ton of new readers. Best of luck!
Thanks. I’m actually looking forward to the Mancow interview.
I’ve lived in Cambridge for the past 25 years, and while I never actually met Julia Child, I used to see her around occasionally, at restaurants, the drugstore, etc. She was immediately recognizable. The Boston Globe had an article recently about the people who are currently living in Julia’s old house, a couple with young children, the husband works at Harvard–and they’re vegans. Poor Julia must be rolling in her grave.
By the way, I’m really enjoying reading The Vegetarian Myth. It makes me feel like a complete idiot for having ever been a vegetarian, even though I gave it up over 10 years ago after my doctor handed me a copy of Protein Power. I’m planning on starting The Cure tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know that your books and blog are greatly appreciated, and have made a huge difference in my life. Thank you.
Thanks for the kind words. Hope you enjoy The Cure.
I’ve been on the 6 week cure for a little over 3 weeks now; since my husband was one of your “chosen” guinea pigs I decided to join in and try to lose the stubborn 20 lbs from when my thyroid dosing was off. I’ve actually kept up with the shake schedule on week 3 just because I’d acclimated and it’s so easy. As another poster noted a few days back, I also use the almond breeze instead of water and highly recommend it for the nice taste and body it gives the shakes. I didn’t have much of a middle-aged middle (I’m 39) but have been impressed at the body results nonetheless. I’m down about 6 lbs, and my belly truly is much flatter. Seems like the rest of the excess is evenly distributed and will take a bit longer to lose, but I feel fantastic and have been killing it on the tennis court with just that small loss! I’m hoping your sequel, “The 4-Week Cure for the Middle-Aged Butt, Thighs, and Back” is right around the corner.
I wanted to give an extra warning about the caffeine withdrawl to any readers with migraines. A week was apparently too fast for me to taper off, and I had a whopper of a headache as a result. I coincidentally read Dr. Carolyn Bernstein’s new book “The Migraine Brain” shortly after (which I highly recommend for it’s thorough and current info), and she discusses caffeine at great length. Basically, caffeine is a mild drug, and a migraine prone individual that is acclimated to caffeine is at high risk for a migraine with a sudden change in amount or timing of caffeine intake (sleeping late on weekends and delaying that first hit is enough to give many of us a migraine). On the bright side, I’ve not found anything more effective at controlling my migraines than eliminating carbs (a la PPLP and Dr. Larry McCleary in “The Brain Trust”)!
I also wanted to comment on what I’ve learned during the process of trying to eliminate liver-stressing medications: it is much harder to get off of an SSRI type anti-depressant than you might think. I’d been considering going off mine for awhile, and your book gave me the extra motivation to do it. In the past, I had inadvertently missed a few doses after a delayed prescription refill and started experiencing withdrawal symptoms (zapping electrical feelings in your brain – nice!) DO NOT just stop taking an SSRI!! It turns out that many people are experiencing horrendous withdrawal symptoms while tapering even over extended periods, and the pharmaceutical companies are aware of this and still refuse to label these drugs as “addictive” because you don’t get high taking them (you just can’t stop taking them!). I’m following a reduced-dosage tapering schedule established for my by my doc now, but taking it very slowly. I’ve heard a few mentions on some TV commercials about “do not stop taking this medication” but is that really a sufficient warning for a patient? I’m thinking that there should be a loud and clear warning to patients BEFORE they start a SSRI regimen (avg. treatment period 6 months) of how long it may take to wean off this (non-addictive) drug: 8 months-1 year for many people according to postings from a simple Google search. Sheesh!
I love the improvements to my and my family’s life that your books and blogs have provided. Please remember when you are feeling exasperated at the utter stupidity of the general public and their sadly misinformed gurus: those of use that have heard and understood the truth are teaching it to our children. There is hope if we can get to the next generation before they do!
Thanks for the very nice comment. I really appreciate it, and it does help when I’m feeling exasperated.
I would prefer the term ‘early adopters’ rather than ‘guinea pigs.’ 🙂
Your comment about the SSRI withdrawal is on point. And you’re right that these shouldn’t be given indiscriminately, and people shouldn’t thoughtlessly take them.
Thanks for the idea for the sequel.
If you liked Julia and liked the movie, you might really enjoy “My Life in France”, a book about her life as she began to learn to cook. She and her husband’s grandnephew recording her memories of these times, and (I believe) he put them in book form after she died.
It’s a marvelous book – I didn’t want to put it down, but I didn’t want it to end either – and I wished I could have been her friend. She seemed like such a lovely and authentic person. I’m envious that you had the opportunity to meet her!
Bulldog, John and the Dude. Sounds like a cerebral bunch. Classical music show I expect.
I’m looking forward to the Mancow show. The fellow who writes/performs his song parodies is a friend and PPLP-trained low carber.
Yes, a cerebral bunch, indeed. I hate these kinds of zoo radio shows. They’re kind of a waste of time. But it’s the eternal book promotion game played with publicists, publishers and authors. It’s a game in which the author usually loses. Publicists want to get as many ‘hits’ as they can so they can justify their fees to the publisher. The publisher sees the list, notices the number of ‘hits,’ but doesn’t have a clue as to their worthiness for nutritional book promotion. MD and I have done radio satellite tours that were mainly populated with these kinds of drive time zoo shows.
Heeeeeeeeeyyy there Doctors. You guys recommend eating the whole cow in one meal? How many hogs do you butcher in a week? Can we eat pork rinds with out bacon? Hahahahahahaha. C’mon tell us what you had for breakfast. Can we call you the cholesterol crusaders?
Great fun for the listeners, I guess, but probably not a lot of books moved.
If an author sees a list of these kinds of shows on the satellite tour schedule and complains, he/she becomes a ‘problem author.’ If he/she graciously goes along with it and no books are sold, he/she becomes a ‘non-promotable author.’ As you might notice, this is no-win situation for the author.
All things considered, the satellite tour tomorrow doesn’t look to bad.
On the other hand, SSRI’s gave me my life back 10 years ago, and I’ll gladly be a poster-boy for their ‘judicious’ use. And I’ll attest that skipping a dose is regrettable. Booze also both intensifies their effect in the short term, and reduces it in the mid-term (next 3 days). My advice: Handle with care and don’t start on them unless your problem is significant (like mine), and stop taking them early if they don’t work miracles (like they did on me.)
I’ve finished your book and was surprised how much I learned given that I follow your blog, etc. One quibble is that what you wrote about “average” is incorrect; I assume you meant it tongue-in-cheek. Also you probably should have described “induction flu.”
As for a selling point tomorrow you might mention that there’s still time to “lose your middle” before Thanksgiving!
The recipes are great!
Thanks for the feedback. I really don’t know what you mean about “average,” however.
I’ll second the recommendation for Julia Child’s “My life in France”. What a remarkable woman, and a wonderful book, full of her joy and zest for living and her insatiable curiousity and thirst for knowledge. I am awaiting my copy of “The Cure” and I intend to start as soon as it arrives. I hope I can find all the materials here in NZ — I may have to make a few substitutions and adjustments! I have been low-carb since January this year and have lost over 16 kilos and feel great. Doctor has reduced my hypertension meds and I hope to come off them altogether in due course. Keep up the good work!
Hope you enjoy the book.
I misread the Mancow name on first reading and thought it said “Manchow”. Thought it was some new low-carb show showing that real men eat meat.
I remember reading that Julia Child was 6’3″ or so. A fellow Amazon! Yee Haw!!
Mr and Mrs Hola…Looking at yr new book.
Do i surmise right that if you tally up the 3 shakes and meal it’d be 1800-2000 cals per day ?
Somewhere around there.
IÂm hoping your sequel, ÂThe 4-Week Cure for the Middle-Aged Butt, Thighs, and Back is right around the corner.
I don’t know about the *middle-aged* butt, because mine has always been very large! Nonetheless, if Drs. Eades came up with a way to reduce big butts (middle-aged or otherwise…), I’d certainly give it my best try!!
I am only on day two of THE CURE, but I feel very good. My energy is high, hunger is minimal, and I am enjoying the shakes so far. I have enjoyed making my shakes out of decaf coffe, or even better, a cold decaf Americano! yum!
As a sufferer of Periodic Limb Movement Disorder, I am a little bit more twitchy than usual, probably due to the higher energy and higher protein intake or reduced calories. I think I twitch less when I eat more fat. But since there is only one solid meal per day right now, I am pretty twitchy.
I do seem to be sleeping well on the program in spite of my excessive twitchiness. At least I am waking up feeling more refreshed than usual! I haven’t taken any melatonin, but I bought some melatonin to use for jet lag recovery on a trip to the UK I’m going on in a few weeks. I also stepped up my sleep hygeine a little by darkening my room as much as I can and getting eye shades. The eye shades are tricky because I have to wear them over a C-PAP mask. Someday, I’m hoping to sleep naturally without so much junk strapped to my face!!!
I am hoping that my need for the C-PAP is reduced after my visceral fat is reduced. This reduction of visceral fat is the best-sounding thing – and most hopeful – that I have ever heard of that might really treat the CAUSE of sleep apnea, instead of just managing the symptoms. I’ll certainly let you know if THE CURE makes a big enough difference that I can quit the C-PAP.
Oh, and great post, Dr. Eades. I liked the movie as well. Some of my friends have been having Julie and Julia parties where all the women wear high heels and pearls, and they make dishes from Julia’s cookbook… usually making the beef bourguignon for the main course. Good luck with the interviews!
I posted my question on the 12th and then saw at the bottom of the screen that comments would be closed on the 11th. When you posted this I reposted the question here, thinking I had missed the cut-off on the prior post. I assumed when I saw it answered there, that you’d just delete the question here. Did not mean to be pushy, just thought I’d missed the cut off and you wouldn’t be looking at the prior post’s comments.
You stated in the book that caffeine mobilizes fat. Can you give me a SWAG on how many carbs would be in a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea? What is the maximum number of carbs one should consume at one time, if the amount of sugar in the blood should be 5 grams and you don’t want the body to recognize the amount of sugar in the blood as a crisis and spike insulin?
No carbs in unsweetened coffee or tea. There really is no max. It’s an individual thing. Many people can eat a ton of carbs and don’t seem to have a problem while others get blood sugar elevations from just a little.
Wow! You are on The Box in Houston. That’s not exactly the radio station that I would have expected them to select for you. I wonder if they have any middle aged listeners? When I taught high school in HISD 15 years ago, this is the station to which all of my students listened. Good luck with the radio tour tomorrow.
That’s what I mean. The PR people just want to get a station so they can put it on their list to show the publisher what busy little bees they have been. Doesn’t matter what kind of station it is. That’s why I hate these radio satellite tours.
KBXX in Houston? Been brushing up on your Hip Hop? And if you’re going on at 8 it will be Madd Hatta. This is the point where I’d like to offer you some of the latest Hip Hop info but sadly, I can’t. Have fun burning the midnight (or is it early morning?) oil.
Your book comes in the nick of time for me. I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes about a year and a half ago. Much to my drs surprise, I was thin and relatively young (30) when I was diagnosed. I had a normal A1C (5.4) but an abnormal 3 hour OGTT (2 hour value = 201).
Initially I did maintain a low carbohydrate diet (modified Bernstein, i.e. not as strict but still pretty low in carbs) and my blood sugars were relatively normal and close to that of a non-diabeticÂs. Eventually, however, I became averse to the thought of subsiding on a restricted diet for rest of my life, and I strayed from my low carb lifestyle and started over-consuming carbs. I quickly gained about 10 pounds, and sure enough most of the weight is in my prominent gut!
My husband was alarmed and concerned about the health implications and quickly pe-ordered your book which IÂve received. I did begin the diet although admittedly I came off after about 3 days due to debilitating headaches I began experiencing. This is not caffeine withdrawal b/c IÂm not a caffeine junkie.
IÂve considered that this may be due to potassium deficiency. I have not headed your advice to take potassium supplements. A family member whoÂs a physician has noted that potassium deficiency must be quite severe before it leads to such symptoms. And heÂs warned that unsupervised potassium supplementation is potentially dangerous?! Is this true?
I should note that during a previous pregnancy I suffered from severe leg cramps (indicating a potassium deficiency) which was resolved by drinking cranberry and blueberry juice known to be high in potassium but I obviously can’t drink juice now. I donÂt have leg cramps now which makes me doubt that I have significant potassium depletion. I was wondering if youÂve heard similar stories from other patients and can provide any insights.
As long as one is not on specific medications that affect potassium levels, supplementing is okay with OTC supplements. Make sure you are consuming plenty of fluids. Without a lot more information, I can’t really know what’s going on with the headaches. But it’s not something – other than caffeine-withdrawal headaches – that others have reported. You might want to consider changing your protein powder, just to make sure there isn’t something in the one you’re using that’s causing the problem.
My 12 year-old daughter has been following a mostly low-carb diet kind of by proxy since I started PPLP 10 weeks ago. She quit drinking pop and quit eating anything with sugar and starch and lost 20 lbs in a short period of time. But she didn’t replace the pop with any fluids. She started getting very bad headaches so we took her to emergency and she had been severely dehydrated. So plenty of fluids are very important when losing weight.
PS. my daughter is reading PPLP and now educates her classmates and teaches on nutrition. I am so proud of her.
I’m proud of her, too.
Exercise and Fatty Liver Disease
Medpagetoday.com has an article on aerobic exercise lessening risks of NAFLD, limited by the short 4 weeks in the study period. I just read about NAFLD in my new copy of the “6 Week Cure”, and thought of passing this along. Looks preliminary.
Aerobic Exercise Cuts Risks of Fatty Liver Disease
* Note that the study followed participants for only four weeks and did not address the long-term impact of exercise on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or obesity.
Obese patients with a sedentary lifestyle who started regular aerobic exercise lowered their risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), regardless of whether they lost weight, a new Australian study found.
After a month of regular aerobic cycling exercise, patients reduced their visceral adipose tissue volume by 12% (P<0.01) and hepatic triglyceride concentration (HTGC) by 21% (P<0.05) on average, according to a report in the October edition of Hepatology.
Exercise was also associated with a 14% reduction in plasma free fatty acids (P<0.05).
George J, et al "Aerobic exercise training reduces hepatic and visceral lipids in obese individuals without weight loss" Hepatol 2009; DOI: 10.1002/hep.23129.
@Todd – Just so you know, I was not in any way discounting the efficacy of SSRI’s. They also helped me, in fact, get through a very troubling time. Seems the doc’s really frown on long term use of benzo’s, and they give me wicked reflux in any case. Just wanted to increase the awareness of the long term considerations of this type of medication, since SSRI’s are widely prescribed. I’ve even read accounts of physicians prescribing SSRI’s over the phone with no patient visit at all, simply by the patient asking to try one!
@Dr Mike – What are your thoughts on allowing increased carb consumption for an active, underweight 9 1/2 year old? My son is 51 lbs and quite short; his younger sister now outweighs him by 5 lbs and has about 2 inches on him. He eats only the leanest of meats, and always prefers anything carb loaded (esp. sweets and cookies) given the choice, which I keep tight limit on. He won’t drink the protein shakes either. I try to add fat and protein whenever possible, but I was thinking of relaxing my carb limiting for him just to bulk him up a bit. I’m just not sure about the consequences.
I don’t mind relaxing carb restrictions of normal weight kids, but prefer it if the carbs are in the form of starch and not sugars.
I loved the movie Julie & Julia too! And how can you not love a woman who tells you to sauté your bacon in butter? 🙂 I went out and bought a copy of “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” as soon as I got home. A wonderful book, and tons of low carb or easily adaptable to low carb recipes. I’ve only made the Coq au Vin so far, but it was probably the most delicious thing I have ever cooked. I was afraid the newer version of the cookbook I bought might have modified the recipes to cut out all the cream and butter Julia used, but she wrote a forward to the 40th anniversary addition and said that she had *not* cut out the cream and butter as that was the way the recipes were originally conceived, but that people were free to cut on their one.
Her line I found interesting was that she said back in the 1950s, when she was first writing the cookbook, no one *worried* about the amount of cream and butter they ate! Hmmm, and it was when people began to worry that the obesity epidemic really took off.
I’ve just begun the 6-week Cure myself. Today is day four. So far I’m doing well with it despite being hungry most of the time. Today is my first working day on the Cure, since I had taken Friday off from work to visit with my brand-new grandson (born Sept. 8 – 8 lbs, 10.6 oz, 23-inches long, a very healthy little guy) and I’m finding it a little more difficult to manage the Cure on my working schedule.
Only nits about the book…I truly don’t *need* a book that is mostly a bunch of recipes. I never have and never will been able to follow a diet that tells you what you should eat at different meals. I’m the “just give me the guidelines and parameters and I’ll figure out what to eat myself” kind of person, but I don’t see any actual guidelines in the book – just meals, so I find myself a little unsure, but figure if I eat veggies in tiny amounts, protein to satiation, and fat, I won’t be too far off. I can’t get my head around the DAG oil either – I mean something that is processed from soy and canola oil, neither of which I will touch with a 10-foot pole, and can potentially be rough on the digestive system, and that has a very unfavorable 10:1 Omega 6/Omega 3 ratio. I have not been able to bring myself to look for that one.
Believe me, I’m not crazy about all the recipes in diet books myself. But that’s what the genre demands, and it’s difficult to get a publishing contract without them. Mysteries are a genre that has rules. The killer always has to make an appearance in the first third of the book. Some authors introduce the killer and write parallel stories: one about the killer and the other about the detective, and both stories merge in the capture of the villain. In others, Michael Connolly’s Harry Bosch books, for example, the killer is always some minor character introduced in the first third of the book who is discovered as the killer at the end. But the villain is always brought into the story within the first third because that’s what the genre demands. About the only way you can buck the rules of the genre is if you are a hugely successful author, and, as a consequence, the publisher lets you do what you want in order to get the contract. We were in this position at one time. When Protein Power was flying high and on the NY Times bestseller list for about the 60th week, we got the contract for the PPLP. I insisted that the book not include meal plans or recipes. The publisher acquiesced. Protein Power, which did have recipes, sold over 4 million copies; the PPLP, which didn’t, but which, in my opinion, was a better book than PP, has sold just under 200,000 so far. Since we’re not riding high on a current bestseller, we weren’t able to make demands of the publisher. But even if we could have, I’m not sure I would have because the biggest complaint we’ve gotten about the PPLP is that it didn’t have meal plans or recipes. So, I don’t like recipes in diet books; obviously you don’t like recipes in diet books; but I believe we are in the minority. Plus, the publishers and the genre demand them. And based on the letters we got about the PPLP, so do many, many readers.
The DAG isn’t processed in the same way as soy and/or canola are processed. The only thing harvested from those two oils are fatty acid chains that are then reconnected in a different configuration to make a product that has been shown in numerous studies to increase the rate of weight loss. We recommend only one tablespoon per day anyway. We took it ourselves as did the other people who followed the plan. I don’t remember exactly because what with all the publishing delays it’s been forever since we turned the book in, but it seems like some of the info on DAG was cut from our initial manuscript as being too technical. I probably should do a post on DAG at some point for clarification because others have mentioned it.
Dr. Eades,
A little off the subject, this pertains more to the meat eater vs. vegetarian debate. I am a student of the paleo/primal school, and even blog about the lifestyle. I came upon a bit of disturbing news in my research concerning red meat, and I can’t seem to find the answer to it. Red meat contains a lot of iron. Free radical Iron causes severe oxidation, and may be responsible for plaque and inflammation. Is there any evidence that dietary iron consumption {from red meat} can lead to larger amounts of these volatile free radicals? It is making me a bit nervous, because I do consume a fair bit of red meat, knowing I have nothing to fear from cholesterol and saturated fat. Now I wonder if this is something to worry about… Perhaps you could address this in part 2 of your article.
The iron in meat is a type of iron called heme iron; heme iron is bound differently that the kind of iron you would get in a supplement or bread or other foods that are fortified. The body absorbs less heme iron when iron stores are adequate but has no such safeguards against the iron in supplements or iron-fortified foods. So, it’s not usually a concern. But if you are worried, all you have to do is give blood regularly and you shouldn’t have a problem. Early man, who did consume a lot of heme iron, gave blood donations pretty regularly via parasites.
That radio tour seems to be more of a punishment than a promotion. Why would book authors necessarily be good radio material, and who has the patience to withstand nine straight hours of repetition and inanity? Not to mention adjusting to the various levels of talent and senses of humor. Jameson’s might help.
Good luck.
I’m just now recovering from the radio tour. You can’t imagine how tempted I was to make a run for the Jameson at each break, but I successfully fought down the impulse.
Someone finally said it in public.
Are the times on the chart local times? I tuned into the St. Louis station at 11:20, and there was no Dr. Eades. Now I’m wondering if it the times are Eastern, and I should have listened at 10:20. Please clarify.
Yes, all times listed are Eastern Daylight Time. We did the St. Louis show, and we missed you.
re: Shema’s headaches
She wrote that she was not a caffeine junkie, but is it possible that she just did not know that her former drinks of choice WERE loaded with caffeine? Lots of people don’t know or think about the levels of caffeine in non-coffee drinks. Just guessing here, but it’s worth a shot..
Maybe I’m not clear on the definition of “home town”, but from birth until at least ninth grade, Julia Child lived in Pasadena, California. For some of that time she attended Westridge School and Polytechnic, both of which are still here today.
I think ‘home town’ was used in the context of where she was living at the time we met her.
Just got your book–interested in curing the middle aged middle! I am a “skinny fat” I weigh 102 lbs, but body composition tells the fat around the middle story. I was wondering about the 6 week cure for me? I don’t want to lose a lot weight–just the unsightly and uncomfortable fat in the mid-section. Also, I have tried to give blood am told there is a 110 weight requirement. What are your thoughts?
You would obviously have to gain wt to donate blood, so that’s probably out of the question. If you’ve got weight around the middle, following the book should help.
A little off topic from this post, but Mike could you direct me to information regarding the difference between overcooked saturated fat, and overcooked polyunsaturated fats? (and perhaps monounsaturated as well). I seem to recall you, or someone else, bringing this up from the comments of Tim’s recent blog.
What I’m trying to understand is the role, if any, of “trans fat” in our diet (from sources of food we should be eating anyway- ie meat).
You can’t really overcook saturated fat. Saturated fat, by its nature, is stable, so it doesn’t change with heat. The more unsaturated a fat is, the more it alters with cooking. It can convert to an oxidized fat whereas a saturated fat can never become an oxidized fat.
A trans fat is an unsaturated fat that has been chemically altered to make it behave as a saturated fat for cooking purposes. Unfortunately, trans fats don’t act the same in the body as do saturated fats and can cause a host of problems.
I noticed that a lot of people, myself included, go off a low carb lifestyle and indulge themselves a bit much right before embarking on a stricter version of low carb plan. Why is that? I guess folks treat those upcoming two weeks as some kind of punishment of sort. One of the most seductive part of low carb way of living is calorie freedom. Eat until satisfied. With restrictions comes defiance. I find it extreamly uneasy that I have to endure it without giving it a second thought until its late. I started your plan today. I am doing fine so far except one minor idiotic booboo. I couldnt find Leucine in any of the stores here in Brooklyn, NY. Finally I found a version of leucine in GNC. It was 6 capsules serving size with 3 grams of leucine in those 6 grams. I did some research on leucine and found out few experts warn against taking too much as it might cause toxicity. Being hypocondriac I decided to just start with taking 3 grams a day. So I opened 6 capsules and emtied all of its white powder into my protein shakes for the day. i usually make a big bootle of protein shake and devide it in 3 portions. I just dont have much time making it at work. When I started drinking my first shake I almost screamed. It was toooooooooo tongue-biting spicy. I was clueless as to what happened. I used all familiar ingredients except leucine. When I read the ingredients I found out why, one of the ingredient was black pepper. Lol, thanks goodness I didnt empty 7.5 grams or 18 capsules into my shakes!
Question: Does it matter if I spread my shakes and one meal into 6 take ins instead of 3? In another words does it matter if I drink my shakes three times or use it throught the day sipping it all day along. I would still be getting all 180 grams of protein. Does it matter?
I don’t think it matters that much. If it works better for you, spread it out.
Totally off topic, but I’m trying to find a place to post this. If you have a suggestion, I’m up for it. Meanwhile, is this true?
“Another way to know if abundant HDL is valuable is to look at its particle size — smaller is better. A large study has found that people with high HDL (above 70 mg/dL) but very large particles had more risk of heart disease than people with low HDL (under 40), probably because larger particles aren’t as active. But again, there’s no easy commercial test for that.”
This quote appeared yesterday at http://www.oregonlive.com/health/index.ssf/2009/09/you_docs_answering_questions_a_2.html.
Mehmet Oz is usually suspect to me, anyway, but I am still curious about this statement.
PS — got your book . . . fabulous!
I wouldn’t worry about it. The large study he’s talking about is an observational study, and it’s only one study. Congrats on your high HDL.
Squire what are yr thoughts on taking iodine liquid plse ?
Yr books a nice suprise.
I reckon that PPL might be yr opus…. yr Escoffier Guide Culinaire or yr Physiology of Taste and the 6 weeks Cure is a kind of fine tuning manual for PPL
Thanks. I don’t have a problem with liquid iodine if you can stand the taste. Iodoral goes down a whole lot easier, though.
Noodles & Judith, I’m reading “My Life in France” right now and loving it, I’m really riding this Julia Child wave, as must be many are, since her book is #1 on the Best Seller list. 🙂
I was all excited to read your new book, Drs., but what’s this about no caffeine? As in “none”? And a “shake schedule”? Not the fake protein shakes I hope…OK OK, I’ll wait to read the book before I freak out.
Looking forward to your book, and enjoyed your memories of Julia. FWIW — and I hope this isn’t too self-promotey — but some years back my wife Polly Frost got a chance to spend a few days with Julia in Santa Barbara, visiting with her for Interview magazine. They got on great, and cooked and shopped together. You (or anyone) can read the q&a Polly did with Julia here.
Thanks again for your great work.
Great interview with Julia. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sending it my way.
There is some confusion on the forums as to whether the leucine in the whey is sufficient or if you meant leucine in addition to what’s in the whey. You might want to visit this thread of people trying the Six Week Cure:
The total amount of l-leucine from all sources needs to be at least 12 g per day.
Soooo Mike, are you going to reveal the “world-changing news” today???? Sorry, but I’m really curious…..
The post after this next one I’m working on will be the one…I promise.
Would you be able to kindly expand on the SSRI comment and reply above if you ever get a chance? As someone who’s on SSRI’s and tried and failed to come off them in the past I’d like to read about the pros (of staying on vs off) and cons (of staying on vs off). I tried your search function and couldn’t find anything.
I haven’t had a lot of experience with them as I was reluctant to start a lot of patients on them simply because I don’t like the idea of loading people up with drugs. For some people they are lifesavers, for others, not so much. They can be difficult to come off of after a long history of use, but as I say, I’ve never taken a patient through the withdrawal process, so I’m probably not the best person to ask.
First of all, I will take this opportunity to say thank you Drs. Eades for your work.
I thnk this movie is striking a chord with a lot of people. So much that the “rebuttals” are starting to come out from under the rocks… I don’t know who was behind it, (PETA, CSPI etc. or more local) but I saw within the last couple of days, a short segment on a news channel, of a nutritionist or dietician “warning” against the recipes Julia Child used because they were “unhealthy” with all that fat…. but don’t despair, because “we know better now” They went as far as to show a “chef” making a recipe with skim milk thickened with starch of some kind to replace the cream and were crowing at the fact the whole recipe had almost no fat!! Anyway, it was like she was afraid that people would see the movie and want to cook and eat real food and she was desperate to warn everyone away from that… Yikes!!
Yikes, indeed. When people cooked and ate like Julia Child did, we didn’t have an obesity epidemic. Wonder how they explain that one away.
On pp. 25-26 you write that since you two eat 3 or 4 grams of fructose per day somewhere “there are two other people eating 180+ grams per day to keep the average at 93.”
This isn’t correct even if there are only 4 people. More generally, lots of people only slightly above average can balance out a few people way below average.
Of course it’s probably not absolutely correct. But you can’t say it’s not correct either. It’s a guess on your part. I was using it to make a point not to reveal some absolute truth about fructose consumption.
Dr. Mike,
I have discovered that I am very deficient in iodine and am starting on Iodoral as soon as the mail delivers it. Should I continue on the 6w diet or just eat healthy low carb while I am rebuilding my stores? How long does it take for a thyroid to rebuild stores if I have been deficient for probably very long? I was going to use an over the counter progestrone cream as that is what I am low in however my doctor thinks I should give the iodine a chance to see what that does for my hormones first
Thanks Pat
It takes a while for the iodine levels to get to where they’re supposed to be. I can’t say how long in your case because there is much information I don’t have. For example, I don’t know how low your levels are.
It won’t hurt to continue the program while your refilling your iodine tank, however.
Dr Mike, check this link out. Its Tyra Banks inviting Jorge( forgot his name) on the show featuring obese girls and how to lose belly fat. I was shocked to find out he was promoting low carb way of eating for these girls. This guy is popular in fitness world and I saw a lot of books written by him at Barnes and Nobles. His books are called 8 min work outs. Dr Mike how come you are not featured on none of the national shows. I think you would be a mega hit. Is it becuase you are not 25 like this guy is, so neither is Dr Oz! I have tried to get you on Oprah but hey… I tried, lol. Whats with your publisher and PR guys? But then again I know you dont mind others to step in and do the job as long as they promote low carb but still, you would be so good at it!
Maybe we’re just unpromotable.:-)
I want to share this magnificent musical clip with you and your audience. I was a bit stressed out at work and my mind was racing with anxieties. I am going through some trying times now with my mom being sick and me not being able to spend as much time as I want with her. Life has a tendency of getting in a way at times. So in a search of something to calm my racing mind I found this. Hope you enjoy it. i did!
Thanks. That’s the only piece I ever learned to play on the piano. I never learned it all that well, but I could play it at one time.
Sorry to hijack your blog a bit again. But that musical clip made me cry. I only cried twice in my entire adult life. First time when I lost my virginity and second time now when I watched this clip Beethoven Fur Elise and a dear and a kitten. Dr Mike and you said cats are useless! My cat does exactly the same thing to me. the only problem he does it 5 am. But he is still a kitten. As soon as he grows up i will teach him how to read time!
Hi Dr. Eades!
I have a couple of things I’ve been building up to say on here, and this PR post seems a good place to put them.
I’m definitely getting your new book, and am planning to give a copy to my boss as well (he is ALWAYS complaining about his middle-aged middle). I have a couple of questions regarding the middle-aged middle versus the post-pregnancy middle. Is the type of fat the same, and can I apply the plan in the same manner, or are there any differences I should look out for? I’ve got a very strong core, but the overlaying fat seems to be hell-bent on sitting there no matter how much I lose. I’ve heard there’s a body-fat ratio that should be met for a certain amount of time to lose the pregnancy fat (Corrugated fat), but haven’t achieved anywhere near that yet. I’m barely at 19% on my best days.
I also have a question regarding nerve damage. I haven’t found much information on how nerves repair, what components are necessary for them to grow back properly, or any other real information other than electric therapy. Any suggestions about what to eat more of to help nerves grow back right? I got shingles a few months ago, and the pain in my leg is excruciating most days, I’d really prefer not to be on pain meds the rest of my life!
My other question is possibly also a suggestion, unless I’ve completely missed something somewhere. I’ve seen atkins pamphlets all over the place, and people seem to pass them out like candy. I’m not terribly partial to the atkins diet, particularly since they manufactured all of those atkins-approved prefab foods that really aren’t low-carb at all.
I would absolutely love to buy a bunch of mini-book sized protein power books to pass out to friends/family, and even strangers on the street, or even just pamphlets that outline the basic structure of protein power, with a list of your available books in it somewhere.
Maybe someday you’ll have a sparkpeople.com-type low-carb site for all of us low-carbers — we have nothing like that that caters to our specific diet (sparkpeople auto-generates meals that are not particularly low-carb). It’d be a huge asset to the low-carb community. I’m sure someone’s mentioned it before, so I’m just adding my wish in here too!
I greatly appreciate all of your posts and explanations of things other people post everywhere with little thought to the truth, and only thought for how much love they’ll get for repeating what other people want to hear. I’m still continuously amazed when people I meet readily accept the low-carb principals without even blinking — it’s becoming more and more common!
Let us know if you ever get those pamphlets/books, btw — I’ll be first in line to get ’em!
Post pregnancy fat is not necessarily the same as visceral fat, but it can be. The only way to tell is to measure it by the methods we describe in the book.
Fat is the primary substance that restores nerves. But shingles is not a disorder in which the nerves are damaged. It is a recurrence of the chicken pox virus that has lain dormant at the nerve root area. When activated, viruses migrate down specific nerves and cause pain and often blistering of the skin. But this all occurs in a very defined area on one side of the body or another. But the nerves aren’t damaged in the process.
Hadn’t thought about the pamphlets. Maybe we should.
Just got your book, love it so far, can’t wait to put it into practice. At 35 going on 36 I guess I am not technically middle-aged yet but Mom was diagnosed with diabetes at 40 and I look older than I ought to already.
One quibble so far. You say in a footnote on p. 112 that women who’ve had kids aren’t allowed to donate plasma due to a higher risk of transfusion-related lung injury in the recipient. I’ve donated plasma several times since having kids and never even been asked that question, much less been turned away. I was worried so I looked it up. Only reference I could find to what approach they were taking about this problem was through Wikipedia, which states that female-donated plasma is now being redirected into making plasma-derived products (i.e., clotting factor for hemophiliacs, or burn treatments) rather than being transfused into blood-loss patients. Glad to know it can still at least be of some use. I stopped donating when the nearest center to me was making me wait over six hours just to be screened–you have to eat before they’ll stick you, and they had me there so long the food went through my system. 🙁
Perhaps the problem has been resolved now, but a year ago when we were writing the book, that was the case. Now we’re not talking about donating blood but doing a plasma pheresis in which two units of blood are removed, but the red cells from one unit are reinfused. The blood bank ends up with one unit of blood and two units of plasma. It is this process that they refused to women who have been pregnant.
I just received an invitation to be part of a “Holistic Holiday at Sea VII”. Imagine this, I’ll be able to meet Neal Barnard, Joel Fuhrman, T. Colin Campbell (how we all admire his China Study), and most exciting of all, Marilu Henner. Ornish won’t be there but nothing’s perfect. Can you just imagine what those lectures are going to be like?
Geez, can you get an extra ticket for me?
I know it’s kind of too late, but just wanted to encourage you about those radio tours. Young audiences might not seem to be your primary target audience, but they have parents. When my kids go looking for Christmas gifts for mom, they pick books and movies they heard about on 20-something media.
Swear, I’m not a publicist, but betting they give secondary audience a batting chance because it pays off. Hope the recovery is easy!
You’re probably right. I had never thought of that.
It’s good to see pics of you both at work in your mobile radio studios! It’s much nicer than the make-up and hot lighting of television. Hope it still going well.
Been reviewing your Twitter posts and have a question: is Visceral Fat Diameter (VFD) the same – or closely similar – to Sagittal Adipose Diameter (SAD)?
I have Googled extensively to find any studies, with measurements, which relate supine SAD to standing SAD, and supine SAD numbers to survival pecentages. Any pointers?
While awaiting Amazon’s delivery of 6week cure, I downloaded an eReader version.
Congratulations on the manner in which you have integrated the narratives of all the interactions of all the hormonal axes. It is the best I have come across.
For myself, I have decided to go non-dairy for weeks 1 & 2, mainly by using coconut milk and ghee.
By going to water only liquids I seem to have found I have some caffeine dependency as evidenced by headaches in first few days, now disappeared.
Thank you both again. Great read and advice.
Didn’t I just answer this or am I going nuts?
I was already lowcarbing and down 10 pounds over the last 2.5 months. I’ve have lost 8 pounds in 7 days doing the Six Week Cure. And my stomach – which is where I carry most of my fat – is noticeably smaller. Thank you, thank you, Drs. Mary Dan and Michael Eades!
Delighted to hear you’ve done so well. Keep it up!
I got the book, and am starting to implement changes, but, your books tend to be geared for people who like to cook! I work 10 hour days, and am out the door after work to go to an activity of one kind or another, in other words am really on the go, plus really hate to cook. I will not get the benefit of MD’s great recipes.
On the other hand, the protein shakes are easy and good.
Dr. Mike,
I’m thoroughly enjoying the book! It is everything I hoped it would be, and I actually love the recipes! I’m collecting the supplements needed to start my 6-weeks. I know you’re busy with radio tour etc. So I don’t expect a response right away.
I’m just wondering about the leucine powder for the shakes and wk 3 & 4 supplementation. I think you answered someone else’s post before my book was shipped about amounts and said that the amount in the table on pg 115 (2500mg per shake) was correct. I think you then say 6-8g for supplementation in weeks 3&4. Is that correct, or should I just supplement at the 2500mg level in weeks 3&4, or maybe it should be 6,000 mg?
Also, the amount of carbs (and sources like fruit) in the solid meal recommendations for weeks 1&2 worries me. I’m one of those people who goes very low carb with very good results and then falls off of the wagon for a while. When I’m low-carbing I wouldn’t eat this much fruit at meals. Is it important to do it for the cure?
Finally, should I count the potassium in my whey powder used for shakes against the 400mg you recommend getting daily. Many, many thanks!
You need at least 12 g of leucine, which you can get from the protein in the shakes, the meat in the meal and any supplemental leucine you add. You need add only if you’re not getting the 12 g from the shakes and the meal.
You should count the potassium in the protein powder.
The fruit is only for those who miss the taste or think they can’t live without it.
Dr. Eades,
I just came across another study reported today by Reuters which proports that when we eat saturated fat, our brains get “hit” by the fatty acids which then causes us to become resistant to insulin and leptin. The conclusion then, of course, is that you overeat because your brain doesn’t know when it’s had enough. The two culprits cited in the article are hamburgers and ice cream. Strange, when I eat a juicy hamburger without the bun, I feel satisfied for hours afterwards and have no cravings. I eat much less on a low carb diet then I normally would on a high carb diet, and I do not have the cravings for sugar and food as I did. It would be interesting to see who is funding the study.
High triglyceride levels in the blood do impair the ability of leptin to work on the brain, but saturated fat doesn’t cause elevated triglycerides, carbohydrates do. I posted on this subject here.
PPLP doesn’t have recipies or meal plans? Could have fooled me! That whole section where you describe what you fed your family while the kids were growing and everyone was running six-ways to Sunday was invaluable. I reference that more than my cookbooks!
@Christina Sillavan – I had a friend who was under the 110 pound limit and gave blood regularly, she just slipped small weights in her pockets. I’m under 110 myself, and have never given blood so I don’t know if they would pat you down or anything.
OT the Daily Mail is reporting that palmitic acid, from saturated fat, shuts off the satiation switch in the brain in rats and mice.
I know 1) it’s a rodent study but 2) it flies against everything we know think about saturated fats and of course a study like this will be used to push more low-fat dairy and foods on young children.
I posted on this subject a while back. Carbohydrates cause much more of a problem than palmitic acid. And, palmitic acid is a saturated fat that is made by the body when it consumes too many carbs.
PHUQ ME DON’T GET ME STARTED on Dr Oz.What a wanker.
I saw his prog last night for 5 minutes.
He couldnt even use the word penis or vagina..i think he said ‘down there’ he def.did not say the relevant word.
Am sorry and this might insult readers but this American puritansim is truly insane.Doubly so as he’s a phuqing Dr for phuq’s sake.
I mean as far as i can tell aside from one person in history(!) we are all reading this due to the peeeeenis and vagina rubbing frantically together in the initial and yet shows like this supposedly about health cannot use the word penis or vagina.
Are we going back to the middle ages..don’t answer that !
1. He wears scrubs……it’s as if he’s in an ER…very silly.He’s a Dr..we know he’s a Dr.It’s like he’s trying to be more of a Dr..who the phuq knows how people think.Quite ridiculous
He also made some quote about his index finger and genital size and how ‘hmm thats quite long’ Phuq me how old is he.
One finds that funny or would say something like that aged about 13.
And then i see him on the TMZ thing and he’s with his very gorg looking daughter and he makes some quip about
‘growing them’ his kids and she seemed as appalled as the commentators.
I say as a sycophant get the Eades with or without Mikes neoprene girdle on the Networks.
I’ve met the Eades and they are wonderfully humanly irreverant.
We need more humanity and less pricks/oiks like Dr Snoz.
I shall silence.
The Wreckless Pen !
Dr Eades,
I have now finished reading your new book. It was worth the money, given some of the new insights ad possibilities it gave me into the role, causes, incidence and relative effects of visceral fat, sub-cutaneous fat, and alcoholic and non- alcoholic fatty liver.
The worrying element of the book, however, was the lack of references to the scientific literature, within the text, other than via a bibliography at the end. I have spent some time trying to correlate your assertions in the main body with the bibliography, but in the end had to give up, given the time expenditure required in doing the cross referencing and then seeking out the primary sources. As with many other books, it would have been much easier if you had directly referenced a claim from your text to the primary source. For instance, Lierre Keith’s book. The Vegetarian Myth, manages to do this without costing me any more.
You have noted elsewhere in this blog that the lack of such references was a decision of your publisher, apparently seeking to economize upon production costs. Frankly, I am extremely unhappy with this view. I find this explanation from your publisher to be implausible. It costs near to nothing to add references to an external resource.
In my view, the lack of such references involves your publisher (and you indirectly) taking a risk. Perhaps most people will trust MD and your reputation and buy the book and engage with your latest program, without wanting to understand the scientific base. These are your “trust me” customers.
However some of us will want to implement what you have taught us about always investigating the primary sources behind a health recommendation and we will wish to do so at a cost that is no more than that associated with most other books or academic journal articles. Perhaps if we cannot easily do so, by your own standards, it will result in us doubting your recommendations.
In this respect, your interests perhaps diverge from those of your publisher. I have purchased the book and made your publisher happy. They may think that your net present value as an author is confined to this publication. Therefore I have no further net present value as a customer. If, however, they or you think that I (and others like me) have any net present value as a customer into the future, then I suggest you address the issue I have raised.
I’m a 55 year old female, 5′ 5″, 141 lbs, on my first week of The Six Week Cure. I’m feeling great. I took your advice and donated blood today.
Thank you.
Thanks for the response Mike.
So, accidentally charred meat has no role in proper nutrition? That’s kinda what I was digging at but had trouble putting into words.
Also, got your book the other day…gonna go continue reading it right now. So far, good stuff =)
It’s not exactly that you are unpromotable, it’s that you’re not controversial. Atkins’ name always comes up because at the beginning of his program in the 70’s he was pugnacious so the media always home in on that. Jorge is plugging eight minutes for every move of diet and exercise–seems too easy. Oz has his over the top presentation and Oprah’s backing.
Now here you and Dr Mary come with sensible, well researched, programs presented by two doctors who don’t dance, sing, and wear scrubs while presenting their way of eating–sheesh!
We’re the Rodney Dangerfields of the diet world. 🙂
“Â .and Julia lived to be 90+ years old.” (from Amber’s Comment
I looked it up and not only did she live to two days shy of her 92nd birthday, but her husband lived to over 92 as well … presumably eating her food for most of his adult life.
Dr. Mike,
I was getting more servings (scoops) of protein power out of a container than was indicated on the label.
The label stated “Serving Size 20 g (approx 1 level scoop) Servings per container 17, but I was getting 21 to 22 scoops. Also the label stated ” this product is packed by weigh not by volume-settling will occur”
I weighed a level scoop on two different digital scales and got 15 grams! You could pack more power into the scoop and get it up to 18-19 g. but not 20 g. This protein power has 16 g of protein per 20 g serving. So with my 15 g scoops I was not getting enough protein. I use the scale all the time now. Maybe this explains why some people are still hungry while using the recommended number of scoops.