We’re here in London, safely ensconced in our hotel. We sat around the Hilton LAX Hotel all day yesterday waiting for our 8:55 Virgin flight to London. At about 3:30 PM I decided to see if online check in was available. When I got on the Virgin sight, I noticed that they had a flight leaving for London at 6:15 as well as the 8:15 we were scheduled on. We figured, what the heck, let’s get there early and see if we can worm our way on the earlier flight.
We got to the airport at about 4:15, went to the Virgin counter, were told it would be no problem to get on the earlier flight. Since we were flying Upper Class – coutesy of a whole lot of work by MD with the American Express people to get upgraded with miles – we went to the Virgin lounge where we became tranquilized after multiple glasses of champagne.
We went aboard, consumed a few more glasses and the miserable night before was a dim and distant memory. Virgin Upper Class is unbelievable. We each had our own little compartment that made out into a bed. It was the best flight I’ve ever had to Europe. I’ve got a few pictures to post, but I’m on the hotel’s computer. Their WiFi is down, so they let me use on of their machines in the business center. They told me the WiFi would be back up in the morning, so I’ll throw a couple of pictures up then.
Thanks to all those who helped with my cropping problems and getting the giant Continentaljet off my desktop.