I hope you enjoyed the talk.  Below is the bibliography containing most, if not all, of the papers I cited in the talk.  After the bibliography comes a short, informative discussion of the ins and outs of stable isotope analysis for those who want more info.  Finally, at the bottom there is a link to a file containing some of the papers in the bibliography in pdf.  Keep checking back as I’ll keep adding papers to the file as I dig them out.


1) Kleiber M (1987) Fire of Life. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co., Inc. Malabar, FL

2) Aiello & Wheeler (1995) The Expensive-tissue Hypothesis. Current Anthropology (1995) 36(2): 199-221

3) Kleiber M (1947) Body size and metabolic rate. Physiological Reviews 27 (4): 511-541

4) Høygaard A (1941) Studies on the Nutrition and Physio-pathology of Eskimos. Norwegian Academy of Sciences. Oslo, Norway

5) Richards, MP et al (2000) Neanderthal diet at Vindija and Neanderthal predation: The evidence from stable isotopes PNAS 97(13):7663-66

6) Richards, MP (2000) FOCUS: Gough’s Cave and Sun Hole Cave Human Stable Isotope Values Indicate a High Animal Protein Diet in the British Upper Palaeolithic. J Archaeolog Sci. 27(1): 1-3

7) O’Brien DM (2015) Stable Isotope Ratios as Biomarkers of Diet for Health Research. Annu Rev Nutr 35:565-94

8) Cassidy CM (1980) Nutrition and Health in Agriculturalists and Hunter-Gatherers: A Case Study of Two Populations. Nutritional Anthropology, Redgrave Publishing Co. 117-145.

9) Brothwell D & Sandison AT (1967) Diseases in Antiquity. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL

10) Roberts C & Manchester K (2005) The Archeology of Disease. Cornell University Press. Ithaca, NY

11) Cohen MN & Armelagos GJ (1984) Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. Academic Press, Inc. Orlando, FL

12) Jarcho S (1966) Human Paleopathology. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT

13) Cohen MN (1989) Health & the Rise of Civilization. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT

14) Leeks FF (1972) Teeth and bread in ancient Egypt. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 58: 126-132

15) Harra JE & Wente EF (1980) An X-Ray Atlas of the Royal Mummies. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL

16) Lewis, N. Life in Egypt under Roman Rule. 1983 Oxford University Press pp 130-132

17) Ruffer, MA (1911) Arterial lesions in Egyptian mummies (1580 B.C.-525 A.D.) Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. 15:461-62

18) Boisaubin EV (1988) Cardiology in Ancient Egypt Texas Heart Institute Journal. 15(2):80-85

19) Bruetsch w (1959) The Earliest Record of Sudden Death Possibly Due to Atherosclerotic Coronary Occlusion. Circulation 20:438-441

20) Leeks FF (1972) Teeth and bread in ancient Egypt. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 58: 126-132

21) Thompson RC et all (2013) Atherosclerosis across 4000 years of human history. Lancet 381: 1211-1222

22) Iacumin P et al (1996) An isotopic palaeoenvironmental study of human skeletal remains from the Nile Valley. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 126:15-30

23) Touzeau a et al (2014) Diet of ancient Egyptians inferred from stable isotope systematics. Journal of Archaeological Science 46:114-124

24) Schoeninger, MJ (2014) Stable isotope analyses and the evolution of human diets. Annu Rev Anthropol  43:413-30

25) Pobinar, BL (2015) J Hum Evol. Mar: 80:1-16

26) Humphrey, LT et al (2014) Earliest evidence for caries and exploitation of starchy plant foods in Pleistocene hunter-gatherers from Morocco. PNAS Jan 21: 111(3):954-959

Link to Scientific American article about the vegetarian line that died out:



Here is a terrific short video on the basics of stable isotope analysis

Papers in pdf

Here is a with several papers in it that I discussed in my talk.  Keep checking back as I’ll add more when I round them up.

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