Don’t hold your breath waiting for any significant changes in the government’s nutritional guidelines due to come out in 2010. The members of the ‘scientific’ committee have just been announced, and it is stacked with all the usual suspects.
Here is a copy of the press release:nutritional-guidelines-press-release
Take a look at the names and resumes of those on the committee, and you’ll see that they are all lipophobes and carbophiles of the deepest dye. Based on this cast of characters, it doesn’t look like much will change over the next five years. God help us all.
Let’s take a quick look at just one member of this illustrious panel that will decide how over 50 million people per day will be fed between 2010 and 2015.
Joanne L. Slavin, PhD, RD, a professor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition and the University of Minnesota, is an expert in carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Her research expertise focuses on the impact of whole grain consumption in chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, as well as the role of dietary fiber in satiety.
Before we even get to Dr. Slavin herself, you should be aware that this department at the University of Minnesota is a hotbed of high carbery. In fact, this is where the dietitians came from who piled on the Atkins’ diet in the commentary to the bogus Lancet article I posted about a couple of years ago. (If you haven’t read it already, this is a post well worth reading just to see how screwed up the nutritional establishment really is.)
What do you think Dr. Slavin’s take is on whole grain consumption in chronic disease? Do you think she believes that whole grains are bad? How about fiber? Do you think she is aware that the idea of fiber as a protective factor against cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases has never been proven? Or do you think she blindly promotes fiber despite the lack of evidence that it’s good for anything?
Let’s take a look at one of her presentations and see. slavin-handout
From her material, it’s easy to see what her fixation is. I’m glad I’m not her child, I can tell you that.
Other than the fact that they’re incorrect, I have a couple of real problems with the nutritional guidelines.
First, they are presented as if they are the latest in scientific thought on the subject of nutrition. They aren’t. They start out as guidelines put together by the most mainstream of the mainstream, which is a strike against them in the first place. Then the lobbying starts. That’s right. The food industry gets into the act. The officials in the Department of Agriculture ultimately referee the fight between the scientists (such as they are) and Big Sugar, Big Corn, Big Wheat and the rest of them. What emerges is a sort of compromise between science and industry. But it is foisted off as pure science.
After the scientific committee started pushing for a reduction in sugar in the 2000 guidelines, Senator Trent Lott presented the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture (the agency that sets the guidelines) with a letter signed by himself and multiple other senators from sugar-producing states asking that the recommendations to cut sugar from the diet be lightened. Which, of course, they were.
My second problem is in how powerful these guidelines are in reality. Most people think, hey, who cares what the guidelines are? I eat the way I eat. I don’t pay any attention to the guidelines. Problem is the government is required by law to abide by these guidelines in feeding all the people the government feeds. And the government feeds a lot of people. Over 50 million per day, in fact. Schools, the military and prisons are just a few of the institutions the government feeds daily. Given these numbers, it’s easy to see why the food industry is so keen on how these guidelines end up being written.
In the YouTube below, you can see yours truly trying to explain all this to Bill O’Reilly.
“Everybody Poops” OMG! That would be hilarious if it weren’t coming from a “scientist” consulting on the USDA food pyramid.
My young kids go to a private daycare, but they are not exempt from eagle eye of government nutrition police, who dictate what can and cannot be served in the state-licensed facility.
Do I even need to mention how carb-laden the snack (am and pm) and lunch menus are? No outside food allowed, of course. Peanut allergies inside. (I sympathize with peanut allergy sufferers, but recognize it makes a nasty catch 22 for the rest of us).
This is a sidebar on the subject matter. But it has related implications.
It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see that the health care plan and its providers are headed down the same road as the big 3 automakers, the Citi Group and a bunch of other big corporate players. With drug costs soaring and with them the cost of health care (a misnomer if there ever was one) soaring fewer and fewer Americans can afford any kind of health care plan. At the same time, big companies with heavily funded health care plans are either in the tank, sinking fast or throwing benefit plans overboard in order to keep their corporate ships afloat. What does this mean? Well, I think that it means the same situation for health care plan providers as General Motors, Ford and Chrysler are facing – a pile of products that no one wants or can afford.
In the above scenario what big pharma may (hopefully) end up staring in the face is a bunch of expensive drugs that aren’t selling because Main Street can’t afford or won’t buy and health care providers won’t fund because they are cutting back in an attempt to preserve a fast dropping bottom line.
If all this happens we (the followers of Dr. Eades and low carb eating) may find ourselves in a small camp of survivors where survival depends on knowing which way is up and making smart lifestyle choices.
Dr Eades – looking good (and healthy)!
That presentation from Slavin looks amateurish. I found this funny:
“normal laxation = less than 3 stools per week or more than 3 stools per day”
Jeez, more than 3 stools per day and I bet you’re not absorbing much nutrition.
I like reading these yearly revisions and finding the changes that have been made. I think it is great that they actually read current science reports and try to keep up with new hypotheses by making alterations.
Problem is the new science seldom makes it into the guidelines.
My two-yr old daughter started attending pre-school. We provide her lunch (typically low carb), but the school provides snacks. We told the school that our daughter was allergic to wheat because we didn’t want her being fed all the carby junk that they provide for snacks. The first week in school she had diarrhea and colics. I was at a loss, then I thought about the school and went and asked what they had been feeding her. Sure enough, they were giving her the carby snacks (granola, crackers, cookies, etc! They were also, aware of her diarrhea. Well, I reiterated that she is allergic to wheat. It was agreed that they would only feed her things like fruit or cheese for snacks. No more bowel problems. Our daughter has always eaten low carb, I wonder if because of that maybe she indeed has low tolerance for wheat. Rice and corn don’t cause her any problem.
I don’t know. Maybe she has just a little touch of celiac disease. I kind of wish I had a little touch of it myself. It would keep me out of a lot of dietary trouble.
Hi Dr. Mike,
Here’s some information you might find interesting.
Results from the discovery of a gladiator’s graveyard were
released recently both on tv and in Archaeolgy magazine.
Surprisingly, gladiators were required to be rather chubby.
Subcutaneous fat allowed the gladiators to get cut up with-
out too much internal damage but with a lot of blood to
keep the audiences excited. Roman medics being pretty
advanced for their day, repairs were fairly simple.
So, how did trainers get their guys plumped up? They fed
them a diet of barley and vegetables supplemented with
calcium-rich substances to keep the bones strong. (I don’t
remember what those substances were, something to do with
Around 2000 years ago, trainers observed that bread and veggies
packed on the pounds and meat kept their guys lean.
How about that!!
Thanks for the historical vignette. I suspect this information has been around for a long, long time. It’s just the modern scientists who can’t seem to understand it.
interesting post once again (even though I live in Germany, but the situation is probably basically the same here). got me thinking … since I’m studying political science without having been able so far to establish a real interest yet, I think I ought to keep this whole topic about food industry and lobbying at the back of my mind, just in case I ever wanna work on a topic with some enthusiasm.
also, always nice to see informed people on TV (since Mark Sisson has also had some appearances lately). hopefully a few people start to catch on after having seen this.
I watched the video and just wanted to tell you that I thought you did a great job.
I love how they tried to introduce you like some sort of conspiracy theorist and then you came off sounding right on point. Good job.
Thanks. Yeah, they had to spice up the intro a little, I suppose.
” The officials in the Department of Agriculture ultimately referee the fight between the scientists (such as they are) and Big Sugar, Big Corn, Big Wheat and the rest of them.”
What about the “Big Meat Industry”?
I just wonder if there are MEATATORS in low carb world (like STATINATORS).
Let me quickly clarify that my personal experience with low carb has resulted in wonderful
health improvements and has convinced me to advise the same to my wife and children. I love
your books and blogs and read them with devotion.
Although PETA would have you believe differently, the beef/pork/chicken market is tiny compared to Big Wheat, Big Corn and Big Sugar. Just to give you an example, do you know the single food that provides the greatest number of calories in the American diet? Wanna take a guess? The answer is sugar. About 22 percent of calories in the American diet come from sugar, which is way more than come from any other single food. When you control the industry that provides almost a quarter of the calories in the diet of a country the size of the USA, you have some power. And Big Sugar does. Big Wheat and Big Corn aren’t far behind. There is no Big Meat.
“Face down in it everyday”. Good one!
Hi Dr. Mike,
A bit off topic, but I found this good news with respect to AGEs in low carb dieting:
In particular raw meat, butter, and virgin olive oil are exonerated:
“A previous study (Goldberg et al. 2004), using an
ELISA based on an anti-CML monoclonal antibody,
reported CML to be present in olive oil at a level that was
24-fold higher than cow’s milk, 12-fold higher than pancake
and 2-fold higher than fried chicken breast.
Interestingly, in the same study using the ELISA, CML
was determined in butter at a level about twice that in olive
oil (Goldberg et al. 2004), while, using UPLC-MS/MS, we
measured CML in butter at a level similar to that in pasteurized
milk. Since olive oil does not contain any protein
we suggest that a matrix effect has led to an apparently
high level of CML in olive oil and butter determined using
the ELISA.”
Subtract one big talking point from vegan and whole food enthusiasts.
Interesting study. Thanks for the link.
meant to say…
Subtract one big talking point from vegan and raw food enthusiasts (as long as one cooks at or below 100C).
About 10 years ago, while on the Atkins diet, I discovered that my seasonal pollen allergies completely went away. At times I would have to go on two different inhalers just to be able to breathe. I also found out, through experimentation, that when I added wheat back into my diet, the problems came back. So, now, I completely avoid wheat, and my allergies have completely gone away, not so much as a sniffle, even in times of high pollen counts. I don’t know why these things seem to be related.
I have wondered how many asthma sufferers out there are victims of their diet, rather than stuff in the air.
Another sorry excuse for guidelines. Will they never learn?
Speaking of questionable guidelines, I read recently that drinking coffee on an empty stomach causes a rise in blood sugar. Since I normally drink my morning cup about a half-hour before eating breakfast, am I causing my insulin to spike and therefore possibly knocking myself out of ketosis?
Thanks so much for all you do! You’re wonderful.
Caffeine is a glandular stimulant. The pancreas is a gland. Therefore caffeine may raise insulin a little. But caffeine also stimulates lypolysis (the breakdown and release of fat from the fat cells), which leads to ketosis, so my guess is that it is a wash. I drink a couple of cups of coffee every day before eating, and I haven’t found it to alter my level of ketosis. You should get some keto sticks and check it yourself. See what affect it has on you. Let me know.
great presentation on O’reilly given the sound bite nature of the program. Question: went to vitamin shoppe to buy D3 which they no longer have under their brand; instead they have vitamin D and the ingredient listed i cannot remember: Vitamin D (As Cholecalciferol) . Is this the D3 you and othes recommend?
thanks and happy Turkey day!
Cholecalciferol is vitamin D3. Glad you enjoyed the O’Reilly bit.
Not related to this subject, but thought you may want to know that there’s still hope that some mainstream media still has some sense when it comes to statin. See this article in The Globe and Mail.:
Good article. Thanks for the link. He has a bad typo in the 3rd paragraph from the end. He writes ‘HDL; when he means ‘LDL.’
Does it really matter if there are any low carb advocates on the panel? After the politicians from sugar & grain states, plus the giant processed food interests get involved, any low carb elemets in the initial recommendations probably wouldn’t survive. As I keep saying, we would all be better off if the Government would get out of the nutrition business. It’s all about politics and $$$$, not about health.
It probably doesn’t matter, now that you mention it. But it would be nice to have one or two (or eight) included just for balance. None of the low-carbers would be funded by Big Wheat, Big Sugar or Big Corn, so they would be much more likely to raise a ruckus and let the public know what’s really going on than would the low-fatters, many of whom are supported by the above groups. Come to thing of it, maybe that’s why there never are any low-carbers invited to the party.
If you go to:
you are invited to comment. The coments already posted make pleas for a more plant based diet, including one from Neal Barnard of PETA.
If low carbers don’t step up to the plate and tell them what we think for making nutrition recommendations without scientific backup, we may see vegan school meals soon.
Thanks for this link. I intended to put it up in the post, but forgot.
Dr. Mike
There should be Big Meat.
The presentation by Dr Slavin was SO amateurish! Maybe she needed to present things so simply because the audience is all on statins and their cognitive ability is compromised!
Seriously, it saddens me to think that this is one of the “scientists” that will help to shape the nutrition guidelines for this country. Its a shame.The 50 million people who depend on the government for food are the unlucky ones. At least we can choose to nourish ourselves correctly, but some people don’t have that choice.
Another great post- I await the next Dr. Mike
You’re probably right about her audience being on low-fat diets and statins. Those do take a cognitive toll. Perhaps she’s just playing to her crowd.
Dr. Eades,
You are a fantastic speaker! You come off as measured, down-to-earth, respectful, and intelligent. I think people would really take you seriously if you had more opportunities to be on television.
Thanks. Maybe we’ll get more TV opportunities when the new book comes out.
I appreciate that you made the point in your interview about the government feeding the military, and then the government also has a significant problem with obesity in the military. The military kicks out a lot of good soldiers and sailors (including yours truly) for being overweight, while advising them to eat in a manner that causes weight gain. However, the military also counts on a lot of servicemembers getting out before retirement, in order to maintain the proper chiefs/indians ratio, so I’m not sure how much incentive they really have to keep their people healthy, either.
Of course, servicemembers aren’t forced to eat lots of carbs – it is possible to eat low carb in the chow hall – but avoiding transfat and vegetable oils is probably impossible. Very little fresh food is served, and you can pretty much bet none of it was grown locally or organically.
Sad indeed… I guess we, in the academia, have an even more urgent responsibility to set the record straight and teach our students the science (or lack thereof) behind the nutritional guidelines. Even though I teach Microbiology, I always find a way to bring the discussion into human nutrition and nutritional biochemistry (both my passion among other subjects in science) and invariably, we end up discussing how essential carbohydrates really are for us humans. When I show just a handful of key papers showing the benefits of carbohydrate control, reduction or restriction, and how really ‘soft’ the science behind the nutritional guidelines really is, some of my students if not most of them, experience the ‘ahá’ moment and usually want to know more about it. After all, a large number of them want to become nurses or want to continue studies in a health-related field.
I am also asked why don’t I teach Nutrition instead of Microbiology (or both!)… I guess after our discussion on carbohydrates and nutrition in general is over, they understand that if they ever want to graduate in the nutrition, or dietetics field they need to pass a certification exam, and the information the would get from me would pretty much be against all that is taught in Nutrition classes. I don’t really see them passing the certification exam by putting the current food pyramid upside down… Oh but would I love to teach that!!
Back to the nutritional guidelines, it is interesting that there’s a heavy component of MDs in the list (almost have of them). I have nothing against physicians or people who teach or run med schools… but I doubt people who should know better than repeat what other people say without objectively taking a good look at it, no matter how many abbreviations they write after their names. It’s not a secret that physicians don’t really get education on nutrition (or solid biochemistry for that matter) and that is a true deficiency in their curriculum. Then again, maybe it’s the food industry who, behind the scenes, get to choose who ends up in those ‘scientific’ committees…
Yep, MDs and dietitians. The two groups one would like least to have involved in anything related to nutrition. I would hate to be in your spot, unable to teach the truth because the smart students would then fail their tests. A sad, sad state of affairs.
I think everyone should submit a comment. I just looked at the comments that are submitted and almost went apoplectic! McDougall is there and various other vegan idiots touting the China Study (as if the Chinese are vegan, which they most certainly are not- my local Chinese market has more meat and unusual meat cuts than any other food stores). We need to be heard! It’s not just your own food choices they are mucking with, but the cost and even availability of health care, meat and vegetables. I am tired of hearing about the obesity epidemic and the rise in diabetes incidence. The status quo, big Agra and government mandated guidelines are pushing this on us. They are ignoring the studies and voices to the contrary (look at the grudging mention of possible use of low carb diets in the current Amer Diabetes Assoc guidelines, only added last year), and unwilling to change, possibly because they believe the public is not ready to hear that carbs and sugar should be limited. Maybe if enough people clamor for change, they will realize that the tide is turning!
Dr. Eades, this is the first time I’ve seen you on video, and your delivery and voice are fantastic! You’re made for TV. Nice job. I hope you’ll be doing a lot more of this.
I think another reason why there’s no Big Meat is because meat production is much more labor intensive than grain production, so the profit margins are narrower.
Thanks for the kind words.
And you are on the mark about the much narrower profit margins in the livestock biz.
Great clip! How long ago was it taped?
In addition to all of the government money that is invested in following the guidelines, doctors push them, hospitals follow them, online diet sites promote them, and sites/magazine/shows publish articles and video stories all touting the guidelines.
Everyone Poops is actually a cute book….but I think Once Upon a Potty is better! LOL
It was taped a few years ago just as the last nutritional guidelines were put in place.
Cute though they may be, I’ll probably pass on both books. 🙂
I submitted a comment, don’t know if it will do any good, but made me feel a little bit better.
Great presentation, Dr. E!
And I belong to Toastmasters, so I know.
Thanks. I’ve got to get my own comment in.
Not only is she a fiber nut, but she’s also a soy nut.
Apparently, according to, Joanne L. Slavin is considered an “expert”. The site, of course, brought to us courtesy of the United Soybean Board.
I wouldn’t have expected anything less.
I listened to the Jimmy Moore’s podcast last night where he interviewed Konstantin Monastirsky about his book fiber menace. Not only Konstantin went off on Dr Atkins and Dr Bernstein, he completely steered off the topic and seemed to entertain himself. What a character! He even managed to mention your name in there about few verbal disagreements you had with him on your blog. But what I learned out of this interview is that you sir are a true first class and a gentleman. Not to patronize you in any way, but I trully enjoy and love your work. You do make a difference in peoples lives. You are a true giant in a field of nutritional medicine. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad your enjoying the blog.
Dr Mike would it be safe for someone who is 70 pounds overweight to go on all protein shake diet? A good buddy of mine is trying to lose weight on low carb shakes. He developed this plan and called it 6+ meaning he takes 6 low carb whey protein shakes and 1 hard meal every day. Basically his shakes are indeed low carb and he does choose one low carb hard meal whether in the morning or steak for dinner with side salad. But his shakes are very boring and low in calories. It is basically one scoop of whey protein, water, a bit of heavy cream , some berries and ice. Is it nutritionally sound program for a young man for long term, or do you think it is not nutritionally balanced for a guy to follow such liquid diet for months until he looses weight. He claims, it is convenient, relatively cheap and requires no preparation and most importanly no dish washing. I know single guys are lazy, but I worry about his health. I know you are my God when it comes to nutrition knowledge , so if you say there is nothing wrong with him, I will stop bugging him. Thanks!
It’s hard for me to say, since I know nothing about this person. But, assuming he’s in good health otherwise, i don’t see a problem. He is getting plenty of protein and fat from the shakes and the meals – he just needs to make sure he’s getting enough micronutrients. I assume he’s on a good multivitamin. And I would add some potassium, magnesium and vitamin D3.
Dr. Eades,
First of all, I just want to say that I love the blog and read it religiously (what’s the expression…about zeal and the newly converted?). I think you and Gary are really on the right track–keep up the fight! Old attitudes die hard, especially when people have devoted their entire life, career, pocketbook etc… to thinking one particular way. It seems silly now that people could have ever seriously believed the world was flat, but look how long and hard it was for that belief to die!
Do you think that the US medical establishment is more closed than foreign ones, the UK for example? Some of the more “radical” and recent books on diet and/or cholesterol and (the Great Cholesterol Con by Malcolm Kendrick and Natural Health and Weight Loss by Barry Groves. Maybe the Brits are just more tolerant of “eccentric” (I am being facetious) points of view. Anyway, you and Groves share many of the same ideas, except that Groves comes straight out and says that we should be eating a high-fat diet, period. I don’t know if you are rivals, but I noticed that the Weston Price Foundation didn’t appreciate your Protein Power book. If I recall correctly, I think probably it was b/c you didn’t go far enough. I think you had to make some concessions to get the book published and not be laughed off the face of the earth. Anyway, I hope you don’t hold a grudge. Like I said, you guys share many ideas, and the more of you out there with them, the better it will be for humanity.
Groves has a new one that is very interesting called Trick and Treat. It’s full of provocative ideas and echoes many of the things you wrote…You’ve just got to read his section on the fiber and the Gut. He would have a great time going after Slavin and her recommendations!!!!
PS…I am looking forward to seeing your new book in March. For my husband who has unfortunately dropped the ball on the low-carb life!!! (But who is complaining about his belly). Incidentally, don’t take this the wrong way, but I would love to see you write an updated version of Protein Power…I liked the book, but I thought it was a little too gimmicky and complicated with 3 different versions of the Paleo diet. Also, I think the cholesterol data needs to be updated as well. I think that there are enough educated people out there for you to be able to write what you really think this time around. 🙂
I don’t look upon others who promote low-carb diets as rivals – I’m a big tent sort of a guy. I would like to see low-carb spread far and wide, and it will take a lot of different messengers, each with a slightly different message to do it.
I think you’re confusing Protein Power, which didn’t have 3 different versions of the diet with The Protein Power LifePlan, which did. I didn’t look upon it as gimmicky. We did it because different people have different levels of commitment, and we wanted to lay out all the options.
We would like to do an update of Protein Power, but can’t without our publisher’s cooperation, and the publisher has shown no interest.
This headline started my day:
Dr. Frederick K. Goodwin who sort of forgot to mention his ties to various pharmaceutical companies.
I don’t gloat about a career being destroyed, but, in this case, he deserves it.
Hmmm. Maybe I should start posting about how everyone should take statins. I sure could use the $1.3 Million I might get paid to do so.
Completely off topic, but I want to thank you for mentioning the Hazlitt book “Economics in One Lesson.” It is so interesting and easy to understand. I find myself arguing with him as I read, but only because I am testing his ideas against my real world observations, not because he isn’t ultimately convincing and educating me. I had never heard of this author or this book before, and now I am recommending it to others. Thanks for the referral.
I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s one of my all-time favorite books. And short and easy to read. A winner for sure.
The Slavin presentation, combined with your comment about “what her fixation is”, is amusing. The slides are a bit amateurish, which is fine, but what I find disturbing is the timeline slide (“Dietary fiber evolution”). Does she really mean to imply that humankind was plagued by constipation from the dawn of time until the advent of “superior laxation of whole wheat” circa 450 B.C.? Is she a young-earth creationist? What’s going on here?
Just think…she’s been charged with helping to decide what 53 million people eat each and every day.
Dr Eades I didnt know my buddy I was describing also posts on this blog. He is an extrovert and I guess all over the place. His name is Vadim. He just got his first blog page as Jimmy Moore chalanged his followers to share their daily low carb menus and experience. I will post Vadim’s post on low carb experience, I think it is quite amuzing. May be some want to read it.
I think I’ve discovered my new quote of the week “Superior laxation of whole wheat” Really jumps out at you.
As someone who was mistakenly diagnosed as being a celiac and led that life for 8 months, let me tell you it s*cks donkey balls. You can’t eat anywhere, you can’t trust anyone who prepares food, and you basically lose a crapload of your friends because you can no longer go and hang out and get lunch, or grab a cup of coffee, or anything social that’s food related(which is alot). You react to so many things, and the majority after giving up wheat discover they have a host of other allergies that were not showing up do to the gluten allergy overriding them.
Though I do confess that I still claim to be one when I fly. I’m a diabetic with wheat and rice allergies that’s very sensitive to sugar 😉 I get a really great meal of steamed fish or chicken and vegetables usually in a very light tomato sauce. Though the “snacks” they give me are terrifying, bannanas, apples, etc. It’s still better than the stock “diabetic” meal. Piece of trite that is. I ordered it once and got steamed chicken over a giant container of white rice, and instead of bread I was given 3 rice cakes O_O
Jimmy Moore is addicted to sweet and since he gave up his 30 day challenge is back to eating junk once again.
He has also gained almost 3 pounds in 4 days.
I hate to hear that.
WOW, you are phenomenal on tv. It is extremely rare that an MD can speak that well to the lay public.
You ought to consider doing a syndicated “Medical Minute” that you offer to TV stations for part of their local newscasts, either inexpensively or free w/a barter sponsor. Heck, you could do it with a little greenscreen in your home office.
It would be great for a sane, honest, skeptical doc to have a voice for a change!
Thanks for the kudos. I’ve thought about doing an O’Reilly-style show on nutritional and medical topics and doing the O’Reilly and taking all these people to task, but I have no idea as to how to sell something like that to the cable or network stations.
I don’t see where I can just send you an email, and your About page link is broke, so I’ll post here.
I happened to notice the shameful Recipe of the Day on the ADA site:
Blueberry Banana Loaf
whole-wheat flour 1 cup
all-purpose flour 3/4 cup
baking soda 1 tsp
cinnamon 1/2 tsp
salt 1/4 tsp
rolled oats, quick- cooking 1/2 cup
margarine 3 Tbsp
sugar 1/3 cup
large egg, or 1/4 cup egg substitute 1 ea
mashed bananas (about 2 bananas) 1 cup
fresh lemon juice 1 Tbsp
fresh or thawed blueberries 1 cup
Calories 115
Calories From Fat 26
Total Fat 3 g
Saturated Fat 1 g
Cholesterol 13 mg
Sodium 145 mg
Total Carbohydrate 21 g
Dietary Fiber 2 g
Sugars 7 g
Protein 3 g
Shameful, indeed. Designed, of course, to help anyone’s diabetic condition. Jesus wept.
We’re in the process of a website redesign. I’ll have a contact address when we’re finished.
Katya, great timing you noticed i was using this blog. After all i was the one suggesting the website to you. I guess you only noticed it when my comment was just above yours. Dr Eades thanks for answering katy’s question about some mysterious guy who is going on 6 plus protein shake diet. it was me she was refering to. And it is” 5 plus the only one diet’ , meaning 5 whey shakes with carb countdown milk and some low glycemic rasberries and one full low carb meal. i do take magnesium, potassium and multi vitamin formula as per your suggestion aslo. I do follow all of your recommendation almost religiously, except for one when you suggested using my middle finger and inserting in the rear end to slow down my racing heart rate post exercise. i will definitely hold down to that one in public or otherwise, lol. When it comes to Jimmy, people are way too critical of him at times. Cut him a break guys will you? This guy just lost a brother and went through a lot lately. His car broke down, his wife is on chelation therapy for lupus and the guy still mamages to keep his tremendous weight loss for 5 years now, when 95 percent of us fail within few years. I know Jimmy was supposed to stay away from sweet tasting carbs for 30 days but he did his best. He is agood guy, and does a lot to advocate low carb lifestyle. The man is brave enouph to post his low carb journey, however slippery they might be at times, every single day for all of us to see. Ok I guess i said my peace! Dr Eades I am about to take up jimmy’s challenge and post my ordeal for 30 days on almost all protein shake diet. But today i did something I regret all day. I decided to abandon my low carb journey for one day and eat all the carbs my soul desires before embarking on 30 days challenge. was it ever a mistake!!!!! I dont know if you remember Dr Eades i work at Suny Downstate in Brooklyn , NYC along with Dr Feinman, the one and only! I often see him in the cafeteria conversing leisurely with someone and drinking snapple diet lemon iced tea. Once I was sitting next to his table eating my lunch and the whole time he was talking, for about 30 minutes or so, that bottle was still half full. Shows how deliberate and laid back the man is, if it was me it would be gone in a second. I did email him back and forth but never bothered to meet or bother him when I see him. At times i am very humble! So driving to work today, i decided to buy two of my favorite ice creams Ben and Jerry cherry garcia and mocha with pecan one. I was driving with my window open and enjoying an ice cream in 32 degrees weather in NY today. At a red light a good looking woman asked me if I was russian? i asked her how would she know it? Ok, that was damn question. who else would eat an ice cream in a freezing weather in NY with a window open. She then asked me how do i do that? I said what we Russians say at times” Whats entertainment for a Russian is a death sentence for a German! She smiled and said she likes exotic men, i dont know what was exotic about that, but i got her number!!!! So now at work i am suffering for indulging myself in that ordeal. i have the biggest migraine of my life. i rarely, almost never have a headache. It feels like a Devil himself practicing drum lesson! year that bad!!! We have another joke in russia about that. Russian drank at a party so much he fell asleep with a bottle in his mouth. next morning upon awakening he said to his wife” Honey i almost died last night” Wife asked ” how do you feel today and the man said ” i should have died yesterday! thats how I feel now. Dr Eades what causes such reaction and is it possible to alleviate it, other then not indulging? i am sorry for a long irrelevant anecdotal stories, i guess those ice creams gave me a boost in energy! So if you ever get to the point where i asked the question, i would appreciate your answer, thanks!
Hey Vadim–
I’m not sure I know what happened to cause you to have such a headache. There are a lot of triggers for migraines – perhaps dairy is one for you. Or it simply could have been coincidental.
Say Hi to Dr. Feinman. Don’t be shy – he’s a prince of a guy.
Thanks for the kudos. I’ve thought about doing an O’Reilly-style show on nutritional and medical topics and doing the O’Reilly and taking all these people to task, but I have no idea as to how to sell something like that to the cable or network stations.
Here are a few suggestions. I know you’re already a very successful person, but — forgive the presumption — if you’re doing as little tv as you are and are THAT good on camera, you are leaving a ton of $ on the table. (Not that I would expect to make any real money from your tv appearances; the value gained would be in building your following & your brand — essentially, free advertisting.)
Off the top of my head, here are some suggestions:
1) Unfortunately, SB is not exactly a media hub, but I would still approach KEYT & see if they’ll go for this: you’ll go in once a month and record 4-8 30 second segments of you commenting/explaining medical/diet issues. They get to use them for free; you get the video clips to syndicate anywhere you can. You might even be able to get a sponsor, but again, the money isn’t the important part — the impressions are what would benefit you.
2) I think I remember from an earlier post that you have a son in film school. I would prevail on him to set up a small, cheap, yet high-def camera (they now exist) on a bookshelf set up to face your office chair, and pre-set an attractive lighting setup, and pre-rig a lapel mic. The whole shebang should be rigged by Firewire so you can hit a button on your Mac, turn to the camera, and start recording high-def video that looks like the O’Reilly insert.
Then you have something you can post to YouTube, or — more important — you can now do timely commentary on video that you can offer free to TV stations. And you can have your own YouTube channel, which I think you should consider.
Scenario: the morning the Jupiter trial comes out, you realize it’s a pile of “Everybody Poops,” you record your commentary in high-def, and offer it free to TV stations. A TON would air it.
In any event, you have GOT to start video-blogging. Most bloggers, frankly, no one would want to look at. You are the extremely rare exception, and you ought to capitalize on that.
Finally — if the son in film school is a complete whiz — he may be able to rig your office-studio so you can transmit video over the net. (Providing you have a really fast connection, like Verizon FIOS, you may be able to do it without a satellite truck parked outside.) If that’s the case, you can do TV all the time without even leaving the house.
OK, sorry for getting over-excited. We need people who can make the case for low-carb, and you can do that far better than Dr. Atkins ever could.
Once again, thanks for the kudos. But, that wasn’t my first time on TV. I’ve probably been a guest on various talk shows at least 100 times, so that wasn’t my first rodeo.
I’ll consider the options you laid out for me, but I’ve got to tell you that all those are a little outside my comfort zone. I wouldn’t have a clue how to approach KEYT, for example. I may opt for having my kid – who has a very expensive, large format, high def camera – helping me set up a little studio and give video blogging a try.
Thanks for all the suggestions. Feel free to chime in any time.
Dr. Mike, thanks for posting this. It looks like everything old is new again. I guess none of us really expected any kind of balance in this area.
With regard to Miss Slavin, the presentation she put together looks kind of silly and actually childish at some points. And as a matter of fact, every 4 year old knows that “everyone poops”. But I’m also confused where her presentation defines diarrheah as stool weight greater than 200g/day. I always thought diarrheah was defined as a loose watery stool. The NIH website agrees with this definition. Am I missing something? Do you know what she means?
It seems that Big Corn is really on the march. There are numerous ads on TV now refuting the idea that high fructose corn syrup is at all bad for us. In fact, the message is that HFCS is just fine for us, (all of us), of course in moderation (whatever that means). I agree with the respondent who suggested you do a “medical-minute” or something like it so that factual information can be brought forward. In fact, I’d love to see a full show. You had mentioned that you were looking into possibly bringing the Cookworx back to TV. I’d love to see that or the O’Reilly-style format that you mention.
BTW, very very good job on O’Reilly. When did that air? I’m sorry I missed it then, but glad you included it in the post.
Thanks. The O’Reilly show was a few years ago when the last nutritional guidelines had just come out.
Dr. Mike
Great blog and great topic here.
To stray somewhat from the topic, do you agree with some Doctors like Andrew Weil that MEN should avoid taking calcium supplements as they may increase the chance of prostate cancer?
Thanks again for your time and knowledge with this blog and your wonderful books.
I don’t agree with Dr. Weil on much. But in this case, I don’t think men need calcium supplements if they’re following a whole-food, low-carb diet and eating plenty of animal protein. Protein increases the absorption of calcium, so one doesn’t have to supplement on a low-carb diet. Maybe I’m out of the loop, but I’ve never heard that calcium supplements cause prostate cancer. The idea probably came from an observational study, and, as you should know by reading this blog, those don’t tell much of anything.
I love The O’Reilly Factor! So glad you shared that! I posted it on Facebook and on my Facebook Low Carb group. It’s so fun to see you in person 🙂 You look so different than your pics on the cover of your books. I think better now, but I think gray hair on men is so nice. I can’t wait for my husband to go gray! ha ha, except he has a while to go since he’s just 27…
Ok, I have a couple questions, I know you’ve answered these on comments before but I can’t search for them because stuff in comments don’t come up in the search. Wish it did, your answers often contain wonderful info. Anyways, I just tested and found out yesterday that I’m pregnant, again, and I know you mentioned one of the trimesters being important to eat certain things…? I want to do a lower carb diet the whole pregnancy so I won’t gain 50 lbs. this time around. And I just got the weight off from my last pregnancy! I’m guessing if I don’t need grains my growing baby doesn’t, either? Also, is it fine to continue with fish oil? Is this type of information in one of your books? Thank you, as always, for your time!
Congratulations. I always love to see little new low-carbers coming into the world. As to what to eat during pregnancy… The research seems to indicate that it is best to avoid refined carbs during the first trimester. Why? Because that is the time the fetus is developing its pancreas, and it’s best not to overstimulate it with sugar. The next rule is to make sure to eat plenty of good quality protein during the last trimester because that’s when the baby is growing like crazy, and you want to have plenty of protein available to make the babies protein structures without robbing it from Mom. Fish oil is fine during pregnancy. And so is red meat. Developing babies need arachidonic acid and DHA for good nerve and visual development. Don’t short him/her.
Congrats again.
US nutrional guidelines are taking over the world! No one is safe now. Even France, which historically has had very healthy eating habits (if you except the white bread), low CVD and low rates of obesity….has now bought the whole US low-fat dogma hook, line and sinker. I am so disappointed. To combat obesity, they are now running ads telling us vastly useful information like “don’t eat too salty, fatty or sweet” or “did you know it’s a nutritional MYTH that starches like potatoes, rice, bread and pasta are fattening? They’re not! In fact, they help keep you from being hungry (really?) and you should eat some with every meal.” I just about fell out of my chair when I heard that one. Instead of eating square meals these days (meats, vegetables, cheese, fruit and a little bread) the French are now gobbling down huge, bready sandwiches while on the run. Let’s not even get on the subject of cholesterol… They are now as hysterical and panicked about that as Americans. Statins, here we come. It is so sad to see a good place go down.
Sad, but oh so true. Here is a post I wrote about three years ago on what’s happening in France.
Hi Dr. mike. I also wonder about all the studies that claim calcium helps you lose weight. What about the enormous drink milk campaign. Every where I look there are advertisements pushing dairy. I am inclined not not believe the claims. Doesn’t the government have a huge vested interest in the dairy industry? I apologize is this has been mentioned…didn’t read the entire blog.
BTW, you look terrific. You and O’Reilly are around the same age? WOW. There is no better advertisement for what you believe in than to see you in action. Except for the little bit of gray, you looked like you were 30ish.
I don’t buy the premise the dairy helps with weight loss. I’ve heard too much anecdotal evidence to the contrary to allow me to buy into the idea without a lot of very strong data, which there isn’t.
Thanks for the compliment. I’m actually a couple of years OLDER than O’Reilly. And he had makeup on and I didn’t, but who’s counting? 🙂
Dr Mike,
I was looking for a place to pass this on to you. I did not find it in either of your bibliographies, nor in Taubes GCBC bibliography. To save the comments readers a download, I have included some of the relevant parts of the posts in which I found it. Don’t know if the quote html will come thru, but if it does I have deciphered the “handle” of the poster to read LowCarb FamilyPractice, since he has mentioned being a doc in some of his posts.
[QUOTE=LC FP]This is a PDF file with a great table listing the fatty acid content of carotid plaque, femoral plaque and a Xanthoma (cholesterol eruption on the skin).
In the carotid plaque, saturated fat composed 14.3 % of total fat, monounsaturated fat was 30.9% and polyunsaturated was 53%. Almost adds up to 100%. You can see each fat type in the table.
Some interesting individual fats were palmitic (16:0) 12.7%, stearic (18:0) 1.5%, oleic (18:1) 25.5%, linoleic (18:2) 38.1%, arichidonic (20:4) 8.3%, EPA (20:5) 0.7%, and DHA (22:6) 0.6%
So the major fat in carotid plaque is linoleic acid, the main polyunsaturated omega-6 fat in corn oil and other vegetable oils. It has to be from diet, your body can’t manufacture linoleic acid since it can’t make the omega-6 bond. That’s what makes it an essential fatty acid.
I wonder how many learned dietitians know this? If they don’t they’re frauds and if they do they’re hypocrites.[/QUOTE] I just had to include his last observation, it hits the nail so square on the head you just cannot help but cheer, “YES!!!!”
I don’t know if you are aware of it or not, but you have a LARGE enthusiastic following on the other low-carb forums/boards.
Keep up the good work,
This is a famous and oft quoted paper. Thanks for the link for others to read it. It’s probably worth a full post sometime. It’s not exactly as it seems.
Say hi for me to all the folks on the forum.
I have ceased caring what the government recommends that I eat and that goes for the media, too. I also don’t care if most doctors have an opinion about it. I quit listening to them all. If I like it and it doesn’t make me feel bad, I’ll eat it. That’s as restrictive as I can afford to be now that my metabolism is f&%$ed from years of listening.
Dr. Mike,
That video displays exactly what I like about you as a Low-Carb champion. Calm, cool, no BS, and on point. I love the skepticism and common sense you bring to this blog.
Thank you,
I’ll try to keep my skepticism and common sense intact for the next year. Thanks.
Thanks Dr. Mike – awesome interview. O’Reilly looked raring to go and eager to demonize you, and you roped him in nice and calmly, leaving him sedate and positive… Kudos! And, you look great!! Very nice.
Thanks for the kudos. I forgot that I had written a post on how I prepared for this show. Take a look.
To escape the coming debacle of government health care, nutrition is part of that, I recommend moving to the country and making friends with some farmers that raise livestock. Raising a few chickens wouldn’t hurt and maybe even learning to hunt coons and ground hogs. Then of course there are deer and pheasants.