
The Green Fairy

While wandering through the nooks and crannies of Prague during MD’s rehearsal for her first concert (takes place tomorrow; I’ll give an unbiased review) I came across a number of stores selling absinthe. I’ve read about absinthe for years, but, for whatever reason, I always thought it was no longer made. In fact, I thought…

Home grown or imported

MD and I walked all over Prague today, and I can tell you from direct observation that the obesity situation here is a problem. I don’t have at hand the actual statistics on this part of the world, but by my visual statistics it looks about the same as the US. There are overweight kids,…

Sun and prostate cancer

According to research published in the June 15 issue of Cancer Research sun exposure wards off prostate cancer. Researchers evaluated men for their degree of lifetime sun exposure by using a reflectometer to measure the differences in skin pigmentation between non-sun exposed skin (under the arm) and sun-exposed skin (the forehead) in men with prostate…

Obesity shortens life

A new paper in the online version of The Lancet has shown in a direct fashion that both smoking and obesity decrease lifespan. Researchers evaluated a group of female identical twins to determine the effects of smoking, obesity and serum leptin levels on telomere length. Telomeres are little bits of genetic material that act almost…

High Definition angst

I saved last Sunday’s New York Times Magazine to read on the plane. In it there was an article by Clive Thompson on how the growing changeover to high definition (HDTV) is affecting actors, actresses, talking heads, and all the rest who make their living in front of the camera. Just as many stars of…

In Prague at last

After 24 hours of travel we’re finally settled in our hotel in Prague where we have high speed wireless internet service for a mere 720 Czech Koruna per 24 hours, which works out to be about $30 per day. At those prices you need to read these entries two or three times each so that…

Morbidly obese people

Blogging at LAX

Here I sit in the Continental Lounge at LAX waiting for a flight to Cleveland with a connection to Gatwick. There is WiFi throughout the lounge, so I figured I would use this opportunity to blog a little. I’m eager to try Continental on a transcontinental flight. I’ve only flown Continental once before, and that…

Replace carbohydrate with protein and diabetes gets better

Researchers at the University of Minnesota replaced the carbohydrate in their diabetic patients’ diets with protein and tracked the changes in blood sugar. They found that the blood sugar reduction was comparable to that found with anti-diabetic drugs. And, there was no reduction in kidney function. They published their results in Nutrition & Metabolism. The…