Those of you who have been long-term readers of my darling husband’s blog will no doubt recall that he posted a few blogs (click here and here) from Vienna, Prague, and Budapest in the summer of 2005 when we were touring over there with the Santa Barbara Choral Society, the chorus I sing with.
It was such a treat for me, as it would be for any singer or lover of music and song, to sing (or hear) Mozart’s compositions performed in the city where he lived and composed them, and not only that, to be able to sing in St. Stephen’s Cathedral, the church in his neighborhood, his church. Unforgettable.
We’re touring and performing again this summer, going to Rome, Florence, Vicenza and then across the Alps into Bavaria. We’ve just learned that the choir will sing mass at St. Peter’s in Rome on July 13 at 5 pm. What an incredible treat that will be to hear one’s own voice (or in the case of Mike, the voice of your dearly beloved) echoing off Michelangelo’s great dome!
Besides seeing lots of sights along the way, the chorus will also perform Haydn’s Thereseinmasse and Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna with the internationally acclaimed Nova Amadeus Orchestra in Rome and Florence and then we’ve been invited by the Uberburgermeister (that’s mayor to you and me) of Ehingen, Germany, to perform that repertoire in the finale concert at the Ehingen Musiksommer Festival there.
And, as if that weren’t enough, we’re also performing a concert of short pieces by (mainly) American composers, a capella or with piano accompaniment, in several other venues.
The choir reserved a limited number of seats for non-singers and there are still a few of these available, if anyone wants to go along. The tour departs the US on July 10 from LA and returns to the US on July 23 from Frankfurt. The deadline is April 14, 2007 to reserve these seats. For more information about how to do that, write to or visit the Choral Society’s website.
Warning! This is not a Protein Power tour; the tour is only about music, not about diet. There will be no talks on diet or nutrition by anyone, us included, except perhaps to comment on how delicious this or that food we just ate was! This is Italy we’re talking about, where the food is fabulous; Mike and I will be on vacation…both in the relaxation/we’re-not-working sense and very likely in the culinary/nutritional/dietary sense as well. If you would like to come along, do so with the understanding that it will be purely in the spirit of camaraderie; while we won’t mind casually answering a few general questions, please understand that we cannot and will not be able to advise anyone about medical or nutritional issues in this setting.
Have a great trip….from a devout low-carb, choral conducting Professor of music. If you have some tips on conquering vertigo I may venture across the Alps myself once again….jealous!
COMMENT from MD EADES: Possible avenues of nutritional support for vertigo would be more magnesium and quality fish and krill oil. You might find this website of interest, too: . The product is a nutritional supplement for the brain and nervous system, developed by a colleague of ours. Not any direct research on vertigo, specifically, but a good supplement for neurons of whatever stripe. In the interest of full disclosure, it’s a company in which we have a financial interest. If it helps, we’ll see you in Rome, Florence, Vicenza, or Ehingen!
Sounds like a fantastic time!!
COMMENT from MD EADES: It will be, no doubt. Rest assured that while I will be quite busy with rehearsals and concert prep, my dearly beloved will be snapping photos and blogging his little fingers to the bone all the way, so we’ll keep everybody in the loop.
I hope that you are having a great time. I wish that I could have joined you on this trip. I had a great time on the Checkloslavakia /Hungary/Austria trip. My sister, Claudia, is with you in Italy. If you check this site please tell her that all is well in Ventura. Claudia mentioned that photos would be uploaded to a site. Is this happening and what is the URL.
COMMENT from MD EADES: Hi! Claudia is well. We had dinner tonight in Munich together with a bunch of chorus folk at a beer and roasted pig sort of place. The food was very good. I’ll tell her you wrote in! Don’t know yet about exactly where the tour photos are going up, but when they do, I know Claudia will clue you in. Some are now on a post on my blog (you may be able to pick her out in the Rome concert photo). We’ll have more later.
is there a way to become a content writer for the site?
COMMENT from MD EADES: Not so far.